- Types of Writing Prompts for Kids That Teachers Can Use
- Creative Thinking Writing Prompt for Kids
- Essay Writing Prompts for Kids
- Research-Based Writing Prompt for Kids & Students
- How Essential Are Writing Prompts for Kids During Early Development
- How to Use These Writing Prompts for Kids in Your Curriculum
Educators can transform their courses by adding the right writing prompts for kids. Questions such as, “What’s the best part about a road trip?” and “If you could run an ice cream shop, what flavors would you sell?” can organically spark curiosity and critical thinking.
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There are also different writing prompts, which serve other functions for students. While a narrative-driven writing prompt for kids encourages storytelling, role-playing prompts enable children to develop empathy and problem-solving skills. Writing prompts will also differ based on the students’ grades, so it is best to customize them as much as possible.
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Types of Writing Prompts for Kids That Teachers Can Use
When creating a writing prompt for kids, teachers will use different prompts targeting specific objectives. Their goals are to optimize fun, creative thinking, and innovative problem-solving for kids of all ages.
Creative Thinking Writing Prompt for Kids

This is a critical writing prompt for kids, designed to introduce fun and excitement about writing. It enables kids to think outside of typical responses and spark a sense of innovation in problem-solving.
- Imagine that you had Harry Potter’s wizarding wand. What would be your first wish and why?
2. What if you could talk to the characters in Paw Patrol? What would you ask them?
3. What would you do if you were President for a day? What kind of laws would you pass and why?
4. If you had to give new colors to the sky, grass, water, etc., what colors would you make them?
5. Imagine you are famous for a day, and everyone knows you – what would be the first thing you would do?
6. What would it be if you had to invent a new technology?
7. There is a new student at school, and they’ve just joined your class. How would you make them feel welcome?
8. What is your least favorite chore? How can you make it more interesting and fun?
9. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be? Can you create a new type of animal? If so, what would they be like?
10. Imagine that you could fly anywhere in the world. Where would you want to go, and what will you do there?
11. Do you like dogs? What about cats? What kind of dreams would your favorite animals have when they sleep?
12. Can a car swim underwater? What would it be if you had to invent a new type of car?
13. If you were making a superhero story, what superpowers would you give them? How would they use those superpowers in the story?
14. You are designing a new classroom for art class. How would you make it the best classroom? What designs, colors, wallpaper, and themes would you pick?
15. You are creating a new mobile phone for the world. What kind of things can it do? What would make it special and different?
16. You have just won a lottery of $1 million. Will you spend it all or save it? How much would you spend, and how much would you save? Will you save enough till you’re 80 years old?
17. You are an architect and must design a new school. How would you design your new school? Would the students use a staircase or a slide? What’s the best way for students to enter their classrooms?
18. Imagine that you had to give yourself a new name. What name would that be? Would it be a name that already exists or something completely new? Why do parents give children names?
19. You are a zookeeper, and a giraffe has just broken loose. How would you stop them? Who will you call for help?
20. Do you love stories? Write a new story with these words – apple, banana, sugar, Johnny, and moon.
Essay Writing Prompts for Kids

The essay-based writing prompt for kids is designed to develop their innate sense of comprehension, context development, and structure. Teachers can use any of the following writing prompts for students to explore the art of expression in a creative and structured manner. You can modify them as you like and make them more contextual to your class.
- What does it mean to grow older? What age would you like to be?
2. Should everyone use a smartphone? Who should use smartphones?
3. What is your favorite subject in school? Why is it your favorite subject?
4. Do you have a best friend? What do you like about them?
5. Why should you share your toys with your friends?
6. What do you like to do in your playtime?
7. What do you want to do in your summer holidays?
8. Is there a subject you don’t like? Why don’t you like that subject?
9. Do you have a favorite storybook? Can you rewrite the story in your own words?
10. What do you want to learn about in school? Is there something you want to know more about?
11. What is the most important tool in your classroom?
12. Why is it important for kids to participate in group activities?
13. Do you like playing sports? What kind of games do you like to play?
14. If you could start your own business, how would you start it?
15. Do you love math? What do you like about math?
16. Do you like superheroes? What does it mean to be a superhero? Are there superheroes in your life? What makes them superheroes?
17. Did you ever find something difficult to learn, and then you eventually got it? What made you finally understand that lesson or subject?
18. How does one make a sandwich? Can you make a sandwich? What do you do to make a sandwich?
19. What are some fun facts about your family? Can you name some interesting facts about your family members?
20. How would you explain your favorite game to someone who has never played it?
Research-Based Writing Prompt for Kids & Students

Another essential writing prompt for kids involves doing a bit of research to get to the answer. These questions are specific, customized to the grade, and can allow for group discussions. These research-based questions empower students to gain the confidence to find the answer to questions that initially seem challenging.
- What is your state best known for? What is your state motto and mascot?
2. Why are kangaroos mainly found in Australia? Why do they hop and jump?
3. Why does a volcano erupt sometimes but not all the time?
4. How do crickets talk to each other in the wild?
5. Are all dinosaurs the same? Why did they have different colors? Why is a stegosaurus different from a T-Rex?
6. How do you talk to your teacher through the computer? What do you need to do to speak with your teacher online?
7. Computers are awesome! What is a computer? Why do you like using your computer?
8. Why does a basketball make a “swish” sound when it enters the basket?
9. What is a mobile app? What are the types of apps on your phone?
10. Who was the first president of the USA? What made him special?
11. Why do people use telescopes to see stars?
12. Why can’t we see planets at night with our eyes?
13. It’s March. Why is this month called March? What’s so special about this month?
14. How do scientists study dolphins? How do they know what they’re saying or thinking?
15. What is the meaning of “trial and error”? How can you apply “trial and error” in your life?
16. If you are going to Spain from New York, what direction on the compass would you be heading in? What is the best way to get there?
17. Are dragons real? Who made them, and why are they so popular in books, TV shows, and movies?
18. What would you see if you could go back 100 years? What was the world like a century ago?
19. Can you name five fun facts about Shepherd dogs?
20. Where does the sun go when it’s nighttime? Does it disappear? Why does it come back in the morning?
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How Essential Are Writing Prompts for Kids During Early Development

Writing prompts help to uncover new dimensions of a child’s learning ability through role-playing, creative thinking, problem-solving, etc. Teachers can use interactive writing prompts, poems, and storytelling assessments to gauge specific topics’ adoption.
When creating a writing prompt for kids, teachers can make it fun and engaging, allowing kids to let their minds roam free and find a solution that works best. It can also be customized to target specific areas where children may struggle, such as creative thinking, practical applications, memory, or spatial interactivity.
Teachers may ask themselves – “What are the expected outcomes of a writing prompt for kids?”
Writing prompts will encourage many students to think clearly and form meaningful sentences. The right combination of different prompts will also spark their sense of problem-solving that can continue through the day. That is why many teachers introduce writing prompts at the start of their scheduled lessons.
How to Use These Writing Prompts for Kids in Your Curriculum

The best way to use a writing prompt for kids in your teaching programs is to customize it to the student’s grades. You also want to focus more and use hybrid strategies to create the most engaging prompts. Keeping writing prompts contextually driven is vital, especially when designing writing prompts for the entire class.
Focusing on Writing Prompts at Key Intervals
One of the best ways to instill the love and joy of paper-based writing is to encourage it at the beginning or the end of the day. Kids can explore specific topics designed to invoke thought around how their day went or how it will proceed. They can write about their favorite classes or upcoming activities that they’re excited about.
Check out our guide on the best teaching strategies to help your students maximize their learning.
Emphasizing Silence During Writing Prompts
Writing prompts should be designed to be performed in a silent and self-reflective way. It should be a creative thinking initiative that allows kids to disconnect from group-based activities in a noise-free area. Kids should be encouraged to think outside norms and explore their inner thoughts digitally or in person.
Make Writing Prompts Highly Specific
The more specific you make a writing prompt for kids, the more effective it will be in achieving set goals. Writing prompts need to be outlined statements or questions that invoke specific responses. It is an excellent exercise for kids who can get distracted easily & to sharpen their focusing skills when giving written answers.
Thinking Before Writing as a Valuable Lesson
While the activity can be engaging and fun for the kids, it is crucial to encourage them to think before writing. This provides a more open space for young ones to use their minds to solve challenges, talk about their day, or list plans. Students can take a few minutes to verbalize their sentences before writing them down.
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Related Reading: Best Tips for Creating a Healthy Student-Centered Learning Environment
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What are good topics for kids writing prompts?
Some great topics for kids’ writing prompts are –
- Creative writing prompts for kids.
- Essay writing prompts for kids.
- Storytelling prompts for students.
- A day at school or a day at the beach.
- How to solve a puzzle or a practical challenge.
When should I introduce writing prompts to my students?
It’s ideal to start as early as possible so they’re accustomed to actively writing at a young age.
What writing prompts for kids can I use in March?
A. You can use the following fun writing prompts for kids for March –
- Dr. Seuss was born in March. What is your favorite Dr Seuss book?
- March 13 is good Samaritan’s day. What does it mean to be a good Samaritan?
- Today’s the first day of spring. What happens during the spring season?
How can I help my students write prompt answers?
You can encourage them to think comprehensively before writing. Students also respond positively to empowering feedback, as well as when they’re asked to think creatively for completely new solutions.