Amy Paige has been teaching for the last 12 years. She’s a late tech convert who loves to utilize technology in her classroom to motivate students and prepare them for the 21st century.
To encourage a creative spirit in students, teachers can use writing prompts for students that can invoke smart thought. Start with these writing prompts for kids that students will enjoy building stories around!
One of the favorite activities my seven year old loves to do is curl up with a storybook in bed. When asked what fascinates her about books - she says they take her to...
Today, we're going to talk about something that might be making your kids scratch their heads: spelling. Have you ever wondered why some kids struggle to spell words correctly? Well, it's not just about...
I am a mother of a 6-year-old, and it constantly amazes me how quickly children soak up knowledge like sponges. One of the most exciting journeys in a child's life is learning to read,...
Summer is the perfect time for kids to take a break from school and engage in fun activities. However, keeping them engaged in learning and stimulating their minds is also essential. Summer reading programs...
Vibes are so important & these good vibes quotes will uplift your spirits and get you into a radiating positive energy. Check out these exclusive & specially curated good vibes quotes by SplashLearn & have an inspired day!
Sisters are the cherries in the cafe of life. They make your life better and there's nothing you can hide from them. Read these 80+ best sister quotes that will capture your feelings towards your sister perfectly!
Winnie the Pooh quotes capture every facet of life - be it happiness, love or friendship. Kids' love from Winnie the Pooh is unfathomable and these quotes will surely help them love Winnie the Pooh more!