Amy Paige

Amy Paige has been teaching for the last 12 years. She’s a late tech convert who loves to utilize technology in her classroom to motivate students and prepare them for the 21st century.



50 Funny Summer Jokes for Kids That Make Them Laugh

You can bring the magic of summer back into the lives of your children with the right summer jokes. They can bring a sense of joy and lightheartedness into the environment, making it the...

15 Best PE Running Games For Kids

Some of the best running games for kids fill their day with immense joy and excitement. You can have your kids burn off excess energy, develop gross motor skills, and have greater coordination with...

120+ Funniest Knock Knock Jokes: Leave Your Kids in Splits

No matter how predictable knock knock jokes for kids might be, they’re still funny and ensure a big laugh for the kids. Kids’ knock knock jokes have been around for ages and we have...

20 Best Brain Teasers for Kids to Enhance Focus & Memory

Brain teasers for kids are a fun way to engage them and help them explore new ways of thinking. Start with these AMAZING brain teasers for kids to have a great time!

What is ELA and How Important is It for Kids?

Did you know there are different versions of English? There's American English, British English, Australian English, and more! And then there's: Functional English: This is the kind of English you need to get by in...

54 Best “Reap What You Sow” Quotes

Reap what you sow is a popular saying that conveys the importance of taking the right actions to get rewards in the future. Check out these 54 best reap what you sow quotes that will keep you accountable!

99 Funny Words for Kids to Tickle the Funny Bone

Are you tired of the same old vocabulary? Do you want to introduce your kids to a world of laughter and linguistic delight? Well, we bring you a list of funny words that your...

76 Best Quotes for Little Girls That Will Warm Your Heart

Little girls are lifelines of every family and surely deserve to be appreciated. Check out these 76 best quotes for little girls that will surely bring a smile on your & your little girls' faces!

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