Andrew Scholl

Andrew Scholl is an educational expert with over 15 years of teaching experience in elementary and middle school classrooms. He currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and two daughters.



10 Best Math Movies for Kids: From Numbers to Narrative

Mathematics, often regarded as a complex and intimidating subject, has been beautifully woven into the fabric of cinema to inspire, educate, and entertain. From the whimsical adventures of beloved cartoon characters to the real-life...

How to teach 4th Grade Kids: 25 Best Tricks & Tips

Teaching 4th grade presents its own set of unique challenges and rewards. As someone who has been in the trenches of 4th-grade classrooms, I've gathered firsthand experience in how to teach 4th grade. This...

15 Best Math Tricks for Kids to Make Them a Math Wizard

Math is a subject that many kids tend to struggle with. It is not uncommon to see kids eventually lose interest in developing their numerical literacy, which can make coping with math increasingly difficult...

10 Best Educational iPad Apps For Kids

Technology is a big part of our daily lives, and that includes the lives of our children. Smart devices like iPad apps for kids can be more than just a source of entertainment for...

Preschool Reading: Importance, Components, Books & More

Time flies when you have a child. Just when you thought their stable walk would drop the responsibilities off your shoulders, their preschool journey knocks on the door. Preschool reading is crucial for children...

20 Best English Learning Apps for Kids

With so many English learning apps for kids to choose from, it's easy for parents and teachers to feel bogged down as they struggle to pick the most intuitive and effective one for their...

How to Teach Visual Learners – 10 Effective Ways

Visual learners rely on visual cues to recieve and retain information. They are agile, independent & creative. Read this blog to know all about your little visual learner & how you can empower them!

What is Reading Readiness? It’s Importance, Tips & More

As a parent, you must have noticed your little one picking up books, trying to make sense of the words, and putting them back. Does that make you wonder, ‘Is my child ready to begin...

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