Brian Lee

Brian Lee is a writer and parent of 3 spirited children. He loves writing about his parenting experience, the lessons his kids teach him every day and parenting hacks and tricks he’s picked up along the way.



15 Best Activities to Prevent the Summer Slide

Summer vacation is frequently viewed as a time for children to relax and unwind from the rigors of the academic year. However, research shows that this extended break can lead to "summer slide," which...

Kindergarten Readiness Checklist: A Guide for Parents

Are you wondering if your little one is ready to take the big leap into kindergarten? The transition to kindergarten is a significant milestone in a child's life, filled with new challenges and opportunities...

21 Best Math Card Games for Kids

Research shows a notable gap in early math skills between low-income preschoolers and their middle-income counterparts. A study in the National Library of Medicine reveals that math card games can be a game-changer in...

Why is Math So Hard? 11 Ways To Help Students With Math Fear

Mathematics - it's a subject that has haunted many of us during our school days, and for some, the haunting never seems to end. But why is math so hard? Why does it strike...

15 Best Outdoor Activities for 4 Year Olds to Have Fun With

Four-year-olds are at an age where they love to be active and explore their surroundings. They also have a lot of energy and can be quite creative. Here are 15 innovative and creative outdoor activities...

6-year-old Developmental Milestones Checklist

Are you curious if your 6-year-old is growing and developing like other kids their age? Understanding developmental milestones can help you see how your child is progressing in different areas. These 6-year-old developmental milestones are...

12 Best Dice Games for Kids to Play

Games play a pivotal role in the growth and development of children. They are not just entertainment tools but crucial for learning and honing various skills. From improving cognitive abilities to enhancing social interactions,...

50 Indoor Games for Kids to Improve Cognition & Creativity

There are several indoor games that kids can play any time of the day. Fun, easy indoor games for kids also pack a lot of fun while empowering them with the necessary skills. It...

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