Brian Lee

Brian Lee is a writer and parent of 3 spirited children. He loves writing about his parenting experience, the lessons his kids teach him every day and parenting hacks and tricks he’s picked up along the way.



25 Best Books for 5th Graders: Making Reading Fun for Kids

Fifth grade is a vital milestone in a child's life. They are still in elementary school but mentally prepared for middle school. Thus, it is the perfect time to introduce your kids to some...

20 Best and Fun Family Game Night Ideas to Strengthen Bonds

Family game nights are the perfect way to indulge your kids in activities, have fun, and connect with friends. These game nights help educate, improve skills, and create memorable moments with your kids. Here are some fun family game night ideas!

Top 10 Anger Management Activities for Kids

Anger is a natural human emotion, and just like adults, children experience their share of angry feelings. However, understanding and managing these emotions, especially in children, can be a challenging task. It's crucial to...

20 Best & Easy Painting Ideas for Kids

It can be confusing to come up with activities that channel children's creativity. Use these 20 easy and fun painting ideas kids can enjoy & easily create interesting art projects.

20+ Children’s Songs When You Want to Dance With Your Kids

Finding the right children's songs is not easy especially when you want to have fun with the kids. There's actually quite a few tunes on which children and adults can have fun together.

15 Best Outdoor Activities for 2-Year-Olds

Did you know that playing outside isn't just fun for kids, but it's scientifically proven to be beneficial for their health and development? According to a study on, children who engage in outdoor...

25 Best Educational Games for 5 Year Olds That are SO FUN!

Parents of 5 year olds know that this age is a critical time in their child’s development, and finding the right way to help them learn can be challenging. Fortunately, there are plenty of...

20 Best Animated Movies for Kids to Enjoy

Kids’ animated movies are not just a way to keep your child busy; movies with the proper storyline and message can even teach some valuable life lessons to your little person.  Many studies have shown...

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