Brian Lee

Brian Lee is a writer and parent of 3 spirited children. He loves writing about his parenting experience, the lessons his kids teach him every day and parenting hacks and tricks he’s picked up along the way.



7 Reasons Extracurricular Activities Are Important for Kids

Extracurricular activities are important for the overall development of a child's personality and education. Read this blog to know what are extracurricular activities & why are they important for your child!

10 Tips for Keeping Your iPad Safe

We use iPads everyday- personally and professionally. It's a valuable device, not just price-wise, but also utility-wise. It stores a large amount of our personal information in the form of email messages, social networking...

5 Quick Tips to Stay on Top of Common Core Standards

Lesson plans, workbooks, posters, infinite paper work and much more. Sounds like a lot of balls to juggle, huh? Hey, all you teachers out there - Does the topic of common core state standards (CCSS)...

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