Spring is a season of wonder, and what better way to celebrate it than with spring poems for kids? Easy to understand and filled with joy, these poems offer a window into the season’s beauty. They allow kids to explore and appreciate the world around them, from the chirping birds to the playful clouds.
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There’s something for every child, whether it’s easy spring poems for kids, thoughtful poems about spring, or even funny spring poems for kids that bring laughter. This blog is your guide to the best spring poems for kids, perfect for fostering a love of nature and poetry.
10 Best Short Poems About Spring

The best short spring poems for kids are quick to read through and easy to understand. The composition is simpler, especially when exploring rhyming spring poems for kids. This makes the barriers to reading poetry much smaller, allowing any child to explore the poetic medium.
1. Spring is Here —Anonymous

Spring is here.
Spring is here.
Hear the birds.
Hear the birds.
They are busy finding.
They are busy finding.
Big fat worms.
Big fat worms.
2. Winter is Dead —Anonymous
She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
Winter is dead.
3. Warming March —Anonymous
Wondrously February withdraws to
warm March with a golden glow
from Spring’s shining sun sent
down to lead the way
for April’s soothing showers
soon to bring fragrant flowers
and dance on May’s blossoming bounty.
4. Spring, Almost —Anonymous

The sunshine gleams so bright and warm,
The sky is blue and clear.
I run outdoors without a coat,
And spring is almost here.
Then before I know it,
Small clouds have blown together,
Till the sun just can’t get through them,
And again, it’s mitten weather.
5. It’s Springtime —Anonymous
A small green frog
On a big brown log;
A black and yellow bee
In a little green tree;
A red and yellow snake
By a blue-green lake,
All sat and listened
To red bird sing,
“Wake up, everybody,
It’s spring! It’s spring!”
6. Our Spring Garden —Anonymous
“What a lovely time of year,
Time of year, time of year,
What a lovely time of year,
In our springtime garden.
See the flowers swing and sway,
Swing and sway, swing and sway,
See the flowers swing and sway,
In our springtime garden.”
7. ButterCups and Daisies by Mary Howitt

“Buttercups and daisies,
Oh, the pretty flowers,
Coming here the springtime,
To tell of sunny hours.
While the trees are leafless,
While the fields are bare,
Buttercups and daisies,
Spring up here and there.”
~Mary Howitt
8. I Love Flowers—Anonymous
I love flowers.
I love the budding trees.
I love the chirping birds.
I love the buzzing bees.
I love the Springtime,
When the sun is warm and bright.
9. The spring song
Frogs croak
Rains soak
Chicks peep
Crickets leap
Bees hum
Robins come
Birds sing
It’s spring!
10. The Wind is Pushing—Anonymous
The wind is pushing
Against the trees,
He’ll take off your hat
Without asking you “please,”
He rattles the windows
And puffs at a cloud,
Then scoots down the chimney
And laughs aloud.
Related Reading: Best Spring Activities for Kids
10 Best Short Spring Time Poems About Spring Flowers

Blooming flower beds are one of the main visual aspects of the season that immediately strike our minds when we think of spring. There are so many beautifully written acrostic poems for kids spring themed, that reveal themselves as being made for flowers. You can also start with the best silly spring poems for kids for younger children.
1. April—Anonymous

“April is a rainbow month,
Of sudden springtime showers.
Bright with golden daffodils
And lots of pretty flowers.”
2. The Parade of Flowers—Anonymous
“I like the parade of flowers,
That marches by the year.
The parade begins in spring,
And ends when winter is near.
The pretty flowers pass waving,
Crocus, tulips and rose.
And I keep waving back,
Until the last flower goes.”
3. The Violet by Jane Taylor

Down in a green and shady bed
A modest violet grew;
Its stalk was bent, it hung its head,
As if to hide from view.
And yet it was a lovely flower,
No colors bright and fair;
It might have graced a rosy bower,
Instead of hiding there.
4. Five Little Flowers—Anonymous

Five little flowers growing in a row.
The first one said, “I’m purple, you know.”
The second one said: “I’m pink as pink can be.”
The third one said, “I’m blue like the sea.”
The fourth one said, “I’m a very red fellow.”
The fifth one said, “My color is yellow.”
Then out came the sun, big and bright.
And five little flowers smiled in delight.
5. The Daffodil Poem—Anonymous
One little daffodil had nothing much to do,
Out popped another one, then there were two.
Two little daffodils were smiling at a bee,
Out popped another one, then there were three.
Three little daffodils were growing by the door,
Out popped another one, then there were four.
Four little daffodils were glad to be alive,
Out popped another one, then there were five.
Five little daffodils were wearing golden crowns,
They danced in the breeze in green satin gowns.
6. The Growing Flowers in Spring
Dig a small hole, dig a small hole.
Put the seed in, put the seed in.
Cover, cover! Cover, cover!
Pour on water, pour on water.
It is growing, it is growing.
See a seedling, see a seedling.
Growing, growing! Growing, growing!
Sun and water, sun and water.
Flowers blooming, flowers blooming.
Fruits are growing, fruits are rowing.
New seeds! New seeds!
Starts again and starts again.
7. Early Spring – William Wordsworth

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And ’tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.
The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure
But the least motion which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure
8. Dear Grif —Louisa May Alcott

Dear Grif,
Here is a whiff
Of beautiful spring flowers;
The big red rose
Is for your nose,
As toward the sky, it towers.
Oh, do not frown
Upon this crown
Of green pinks and blue geranium
But think of me
When this you see,
And put it on your cranium.”
9. A Little Seed—Anonymous

A little seed for me to sow.
A little seed to make it grow.
A little hole, a little pat,
A little wish, and that’s that.
A little sun, a little shower.
A little while,
And then, a flower!
10. Ten Flowers—Anonymous

One little, two little,
three little flowers.
Four little, five little,
six little flowers.
Seven little, eight little,
nine little flowers.
Ten little flowers blooming in the sun!
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10 Inspirational Short Spring Poems About the Earth

Some of the best spring poems revolve around the earth. Kids get a real sense of appreciation for our planet and all the natural life that exists within it. You can help your children think about our planet from a new perspective with some of these spring poems.
1. Let’s Conserve this Spring—Anonymous
Our Earth
It’s three planets from the sun
Our Earth
It takes care of everyone
Our Earth
There’s so much that we can do
Our Earth
It’s up to me and up to you
Our Earth
Let’s recycle and reuse
Our Earth
Lets conserve and reduce
Our Earth
Let’s keep trying every way
Our Earth
Make it Earth Day every day!
2. Sing Along to Earth Song—Anonymous
Are You Sleeping?
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Take care of the Earth
Take care of the Earth
Turn off all the lights
Throw away the trash
Recycle and reuse
Recycle and reuse
3. It’s An Earth Song, it’s a Spring Song
It’s an earth song,
And I’ve been waiting long for an earth song.
It’s a spring song,
And I’ve been waiting long for a spring song.
Strong as the shoots of a new plant
Strong as the bursting of new buds
Strong as the coming of the first child from its mother’s womb.
It’s an earth song,
A body song,
A spring song,
I have been waiting long for this spring song.
4. Spring —William Shakespeare

When daisies pied, and violets blue,
And lady-smocks all silver-white,
And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue.
Do paint the meadows with delight,
The cuckoo then, on every tree,
Mocks married men, for thus sings he:
Cuckoo, cuckoo!’ O word of fear,
Unpleasing to a married ear.
When shepherds pipe on oaten straws,
And merry larks are plowmen’s clocks,
When turtles tread, and rooks, and daws,
And maidens bleach their summer smocks,
The cuckoo then, on every tree,
Mocks married men, for thus sings he:
Cuckoo, cuckoo!’ O word of fear,
Unpleasing to a married ear.
5. The Power of Recycling—Anonymous
We recycle what we use,
separate things,
and you should, too!
Glass and paper, plastic and tin,
all go in your recycling bin.
We must start now.
We can’t wait.
Quick, or it will be too late!
6. Mud—Anonymous
Mud is very nice to feel
All squishy-squash between the toes!
I’d rather wade in wiggly mud
Than smell a yellow rose.
Nobody else but the rosebush knows
How nice mud feels
Between the toes.
- Polly Chase Boyden
7. Celebrate the Earth—Anonymous

Celebrate the earth with me,
The oceans, meadows, mountains, trees.
I’ll celebrate the earth with you,
The flowers, people, creatures, too.
Let’s celebrate the earth together,
New green grass, exciting weather.
Celebrate the earth with me.
Let’s share delight in all we see.
8. The Winds of March—Anonymous
The wind is pushing
Against the trees,
He’ll take off your hat
Without asking you “please,”
He rattles the windows
And puffs at a cloud,
Then scoots down the chimney
And laughs aloud.
9. This Old Earth—Anonymous

This old Earth
needs our help,
to stay fresh and clean and green.
With a pick it up, pitch it in,
and throw it in the can –
This old Earth will be clean again.
10. Boat Sails on the Rivers by Christina Georgina Rossetti

Boats sail on the rivers,
And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier far than these.
There are bridges on the rivers,
As pretty as you please;
But the bow that bridges heaven,
And overtops the trees,
And builds a road from earth to sky,
Is prettier far than these.
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Introducing poetry at an early age offers significant benefits to kids, which is why all parents should focus on the best children’s poems about spring. The season is a perfect muse for the creative individual, as new sights, sounds, emotions, and expressions bloom.
You can encourage your kids to write poetry about what they feel as well, giving them a creative outlet to express gratitude and humility. Whether it’s spring poems for kindergarten or spring poems for first grade, you can get kids to connect with their inner emotions through the right literature.
Related Reading: Best Spring Crafts for Kids to Improve Their Skills
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What themes should my child focus on when writing poetry about spring?
Your kids should focus on renewal, energy, and rejuvenation, when focusing on poetry about the spring season.
How do I encourage my child to read poetry?
You can create a natural inclination towards reading poetry by having your kids read through topics they’re passionate about.
Why is spring a beautiful season for writing poetry?
Spring indicates new life and a celebration of all things natural. That’s why poets love writing about the season.
How do I encourage my kid to write poetry?
You can give them rhyming words, phrases, and inspirational subjects to write poetry about.