Quarts to Gallons Conversion – Formula, Steps, Table,  Examples

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What Is Quarts to Gallons Conversion?

Quart and gallon are units of liquid volume and capacity used in the customary system and imperial system of measurement. One quart is equal to $\frac{1}{4}$ of a gallon. The gallon is usually recognized in the US as the most traditional unit that’s employed to measure liquids. 

To convert quarts to gallons (US quarts to Us gallons) instantly, we can use the Quarts-to-Gallons-Conversion Calculator. Simply enter the value (in quarts) that is to be converted into gallons in the given input box. The equivalent value in gallons will pop up automatically right below the box!


The gallon is the most traditional and the most commonly used unit for measuring liquids in the US customary system and imperial system. The symbol for the unit gallon is “gal.” One gallon equals four quarts.


A quart is a unit of liquid capacity or volume in the US customary system of measurements. One-fourth of a gallon or a quarter of a gallon makes one quart. The symbol for a quart is “qt.”It is a smaller unit than a gallon.

How to Convert Quarts to Gallons

The simplest way to convert quart to gallon is to divide the given value of quartz by four. Similarly, if we want to convert a gallon to quart, we should multiply the gallon value by four.

Quarts to gallons conversion visual

Steps to Convert Quarts to Gallons

  1. Note down the given volume in quarts.
  2. Divide the value by 4.
  3. Assign the unit “gallons” to the result.

Quarter to Gallons Formula

We know that

1 gallon $= 4$ quarts

Let’s convert 1 quart to gallons.

1 quart $= \frac{1}{4}$ gallon $= 0.25$ gallon

We can frame the “quarter to gallons” formula as

  • Gallon $= \frac{Quart}{4}$ 
  • Gallon $= Quart \times 0.25$


 8 quarts $= \frac{8}{4}$ gallons $= 2$ gallons

16 quarts $= \frac{16}{4}$ gallons $= 4$ gallons

30 quarts $= \frac{30}{4}$ gallons $= 7.5$ gallons

Quarts to Gallons Conversion Table

Quarts to gallons conversion chart

Facts about Quarts to Gallons Conversion

A quart is basically a container used to measure milk.A quart is a quarter of a gallon.We can convert gallons to quarts by multiplying the value in quarts by 4.Quarts were containers that were used in milk shops to measure and sell milk to consumers. Nowadays, we abbreviate a quarter of a gallon by the term quart. Quarter means one-fourth of a thing.


In this article, we learned how to convert quarts to gallons and the formula used for the same. We also understood the conversion chart. Quarts and gallons are both units to measure liquid volume. Let’s solve a few examples for better understanding.

Solved Examples on Quarts to Gallons Conversion

  1. How much is 1200 quarts of milk going to cost if the cost of the milk is $5 per gallon?


The amount of milk that is to be bought $= 1200$ qt

The amount of milk in gallons $= \frac{1200}{4} = 300$ gal

Cost of milk per gallon $= \$5$

The total cost of the milk $= 300 \times \$5 = \$1500$

Hence, it will cost $\$1500$ to buy 1200 quarts of milk.

  1. What would be 100 gallons in quarts and 100 quarts in gallons?


To convert quart to gallon, divide the given value of quartz by four.

100 quarts $= 100 \div 4 = 25$ gallons

To convert a gallon to quart, multiply the given value of gallon by four.

100 gallons $= 100 \times 4 = 400$ quarts

  1. The cost of a barrel of 20 gallons of milk is $500. What would the cost of 800 quarts of milk?

Solution: The amount of milk that is to be bought $= 800$ qt

The amount of milk in gallons $= \frac{800}{4} = 200$ gallons

Cost of alcohol per 20 gallon$ = \$500$

The total cost of the milk $= 200 \times \frac{50}{20} = \$1000$

Hence, it will cost $\$1000$ to buy $800$ quarts of alcohol.

  1. Convert 1000 quarts to gallons.


1 quart $= \frac{1}{4}$ gallon

1000 quarts $= \frac{1000}{4}$ gallons $= 250$ gallons

  1. Convert 4 quarts to gallons.


1 quart $=  \frac{1}{4}$ gallon

4 quarts $= \frac{4}{4}$ gallon $= 1$ gallon

Practice Problems on Quarts to Gallons Conversion

Quarts to Gallons Conversion - Formula, Steps, Table,  Examples

Attend this quiz & Test your knowledge.


The unit quart comes from the word __________.

Correct answer is: quarter
Quart is derived from the word quarter since it is the quarter of a gallon.

If we want to convert a gallon to quart, we ___ it by four.

Correct answer is: multiply
We multiply a gallon with four to convert it into quart.

4 quarts $=$ ____ gal

Correct answer is: 1
4 quarts $= 1$ gallon.

Which of the following mathematical operations is to be applied to convert quart to gallon?

divide by 4
multiply by 4
add 4 to it
subtract 4 from it
Correct answer is: divide by 4
We divide the value in quart by four to convert it into gallons.

How much is 400 quarts in terms of gallons?

Correct answer is: 100
400 quarts is the equivalent of 100 gallons.

Frequently Asked Questions on Quarts to Gallons Conversion

The quart is a smaller unit because it is a quarter of a gallon.

8 pints make 1 gallon. 

​​2 pints make 1 quart.

1 gallon approximately equals 3.785411784 liters