Number Sense Lesson Plans
View all 11 lesson plans-
Order Numbers
Ordering 3-Digit Numbers
Enhance your numerical organization skills! Skillfully arrange 3-digit numbers in ascending or descending order.
Skip Counting
Place Value Introduction - Part 2
Master place value in a fun and interactive way! Explore the relationship between ones, tens, and hundreds while representing numbers using base ten blocks and a place value chart.
Compare Numbers
Forming 3-Digit Numbers (Greatest or Smallest)
Discover how to create the greatest and smallest numbers using given digits and enhance your math skills!
Place Value
Base Ten Blocks for 3-Digit Numbers
Explore the world of 3-digit numbers through hands-on learning with base ten blocks.
Addition Lesson Plans
View all 35 lesson plans-
Add Three Whole Numbers
Make 10 to Add Three Numbers
Discover number fun! Join our class where kids learn to add three numbers, finding combinations that make 10.
Addition Properties
Commutative Property of Addition
Learn how to apply the commutative property of addition and enhance your math skills with this interactive lesson.
2-Digit Addition
Missing Digits in Addition and Subtraction Sentences (Within 100)
Unlock the mystery of missing digits in addition sentences up to 100! Fun challenges await to boost your math skills.
Addition Strategies
Commutative Property and Adding 3 Whole Numbers
Master addition strategies with the commutative property in this engaging math lesson.
Subtraction Lesson Plans
View all 21 lesson plans-
3-Digit Subtraction
3-Digit Number Transformations - More and Less
Boost place value skills! Identify numbers 1, 10, or 100 more or less than any 3-digit number in this engaging class.
Subtraction Strategies
Add & Subtract – The Inverse Operations
Explore how addition and subtraction work hand in hand as inverse operations, enhancing math skills effortlessly!
Subtraction Strategies
Make a Ten to Subtract
Empower your subtraction skills! Use 10 as a benchmark to subtract two numbers within 20.
2-Digit Subtraction
Addition Comparisons (Within 100)
Learn to compare two addition sentences without calculation! Boost your math confidence with fun comparison activities.
Word Problems Lesson Plans
View all 15 lesson plans-
Addition Word Problems
One-Step Word Problems (Within 20)
Master one-step addition and subtraction word problems using the part-part-whole model with numbers up to 20.
Subtraction Word Problems
Addition & Subtraction Two-Step Word Problems - I
Master two-step addition and subtraction word problems using the part-part-whole model!
Multi-Step Word Problems
Multi-Step Addition and Subtraction Puzzles
Boost your problem-solving as you master solving 2-step number puzzles involving addition and subtraction like a pro!
Addition Word Problems
Addition & Subtraction Two-Step Word Problems - II
Develop problem-solving skills with this interactive math lesson. Solve two-step word problems using strategies like counting on, counting forward/backward, and the part-part-whole model.
All Math Lesson Plans
Find the Missing Addend (within 20)
Solve challenging addition problems by finding the missing addend within 20.
Subtract Within 100
Master subtraction within 100 in an interactive math adventure!
Revisiting 2D Shapes and Exploring Angles
Discover and identify 2D shapes using their attributes and dive into the world of angles!
Explore the world of measurement as students learn to measure length using metric units and compare measurements. Engage in hands-on activities and solve word problems to reinforce learning.
Time Comparison – Earlier or Later
Boost your time-telling skills by comparing "quarter past" and "quarter to" to find which activity comes first or last!
Recognizing Bills
Unlock the world of bills! Identify $1 to $100 denominations in this engaging session.
Word Problems
Comparison Word Problems - I - Part 2
Master the skill of comparing quantities with this engaging math lesson. Explore bar models, solve comparison problems, and develop critical thinking skills!
Compare Addition Expressions (within 20)
Challenge yourself by comparing addition expressions within 20 without actually solving them.
Number Sense - II
Develop number sense and subtraction strategies with this interactive math lesson. Explore the compensation strategy and other techniques to enhance subtraction skills.
Quadrilaterals, Pentagons, and Hexagons
Unlock the secrets of quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons in this fun and engaging class!
Clock Puzzles (Game)
Sharpen your time-guessing abilities by learning to read clocks with missing hands or numbers!
Recognizing Coins and Bills
Discover the world of money and learn to recognize coins and bills in this interactive lesson.
Word Problems
Comparison Word Problems - II
Unleash your problem-solving skills with this interactive math lesson on comparison word problems.
Fluently Subtract within 100 - Part 1
Master subtraction with the compensation strategy in this interactive math lesson.
Sorting 2D Shapes
Become a shape-sorting pro! Classify 2D shapes by their attributes and boost your geometry skills!
Estimating Time
Develop your estimation skills by learning to guess the exact time from approximate times, like "around half past 10."
Making Amount Using Coins
Learn to make amounts using coins in this interactive math lesson
Word Problems
Addition & Subtraction Word Problems - Part 2
Master addition and subtraction word problems with this engaging math lesson. Develop problem-solving skills and learn strategies to tackle real-world scenarios.
Number Sense
Compare and Order Numbers
Master number comparisons with this interactive math lesson!
Subtraction Within 1,000
Explore subtraction within 1,000 using place value charts and counters in this interactive math lesson.
Sequence Activities in Chronological Order
Enhance your skills in comparing and sequencing activities for better time management in a fun, engaging way!
More on Making Amount
Explore advanced money skills with this interactive lesson. Learn to express one-dollar bills using different coins, make change using smaller bills, and find the fewest coins/bills needed to make a given amount.
Word Problems
Two-Step Comparison Word Problems
Master the skill of comparing quantities with this interactive math lesson. Explore bar models, solve comparison problems, and develop critical thinking skills!
Number Sense
Comparing 3-Digit Numbers – Place Value Method
Discover methods and strategies to compare 3-digit numbers in this fun and engaging class!
Add Within 100
Develop addition skills within 100 with this interactive math lesson. Explore place value, split numbers into tens and ones, and learn to add two-digit numbers without regrouping.
Fluently Subtract Within 1,000
Master subtraction within 1,000 with this engaging math adventure!
Comparing Time Duration – Faster and Slower
Delve into comparing end times to see which event finishes first using fun and interactive methods!
Recognizing Coins—Penny, Nickel, and Dime
Embark on a fun financial journey! Master the concept of money and identify coins like pennies, nickels, and dimes!
Number Sense
Number Comparison Puzzles
Explore the 3-digit numbers! Decode hidden digits in comparison sentences and boost your problem-solving skills.
Addition Within 1,000
Master addition within 1,000 with this engaging place value adventure. Learn regrouping techniques and enhance your understanding of place value.
Introduction to Time - Part 2
Master reading analog clocks in this interactive lesson. Explore the concepts of hour and minute hands, compare analog and digital clocks, and practice estimating time.
Recognizing Dollar Coins— Quarter, Half, and One Dollar
Boost your money savvy! Discover dollar coins—quarter, half, and one dollar—in this lively class.
Fluently Add within 1,000
Master addition within 1,000 using engaging activities.
Compare Subtraction Expressions
Enhance your analytical skills by comparing subtraction expressions without calculating their differences.
12-Hour Clock – A.M. and P.M. Basics
Elevate your time-telling game! Learn to read analog clocks and express time confidently in A.M. and P.M. formats.
Finding the Amount (Collection of Coins—Same Type)
Enhance your counting skills! Use skip counting to find the total value of coins of the same type