Number Sense
- Addition (8)
- Multiplication (32)
- Division (38)
- Fractions (73)
- Fractions Operations (68)
- Decimals (116)
- Read And Write Decimals (31)
Compare Decimals
Order Decimals
- Round Decimals (12)
Convert Decimals To Fractions
- Decimal Operations (40)
- Geometry (32)
- Measurement (24)
- Algebra (23)
- Word Problems (18)
Word Form
Changing to Standard Form Game
In this exciting math game, kids will learn to change numbers to standard form by using their place value skills. They'll explore 5-digit numbers, focusing on place names to find the right answers. This game is perfect for enhancing number sense and understanding how to read and write large numbers. It's a fun way to practice important math skills!
Expanded And Standard Form
Change Expanded to Standard Form Game
Kids can overcome misconceptions in math by playing this fun game that focuses on converting 5-digit numbers from expanded to standard form. Your child will engage with place value concepts and improve number sense while enjoying a balanced learning experience. Perfect for third graders, this game makes math both educational and entertaining!
Word Form
Choose the Word That Fills the Blank Correctly Game
In this interactive game, kids will explore the world of multi-digit numbers by filling in the blanks with the correct words. They'll drag and drop items to solve fun problems, building confidence in place value and number sense. This engaging activity is perfect for young learners eager to master reading and writing multi-digit numbers.
Expanded And Standard Form
Identifying the Missing Number in Expanded Form Game
In this engaging game, kids will explore the concept of place value by identifying missing numbers in expanded forms. They'll tackle colorful challenges, enhancing their understanding of 5-digit numbers. With plenty of practice, students will apply their math knowledge to solve problems and improve their number sense. It's a fun way to learn and grow in math!
Expanded And Standard Form
Completing the Expanded Form of Whole Numbers Game
This fun math game helps kids understand place value by completing the expanded form of whole numbers. Students fill in blanks to solve problems, boosting their number sense and confidence. With regular practice, your fourth grader will excel in both classroom and real-world math challenges. A great way to learn and enjoy math!
Place Value
Filling the Number Present at the Mentioned Place Value Game
In this engaging game, students need to observe a given number and correctly fill in the digits at the mentioned place value. Kids will complete place value charts to solve problems, enhancing their number sense. Ideal for fourth graders, this game builds confidence in reading and writing multi-digit numbers. It's a fun learning journey in math!
Place Value
Decreasing the Number Game
In this exciting math game, kids will tackle problems that help them understand place value and number sense. By decreasing numbers, they'll learn to read and write multi-digit numbers with ease. This lively game is perfect for fourth graders looking to have fun while sharpening their math skills. Let the learning adventure begin!
Place Value
Choosing the Equivalent Value Based on Place Value Game
Join the adventure of choosing equivalent values based on place value! This engaging game helps kids tackle place value problems, enhancing their number sense. Perfect for young learners, it encourages interactive learning with multi-digit numbers, making math exciting and accessible. Watch your child grow confident in math with each challenge. Get started now!