Resources > Lesson Plans > ELA > Second Grade > Asking and answering questions

Asking and answering questions

This lesson plan, titled 'Quest for Questions', is designed to enhance students' questioning and answering skills. It includes various interactive activities such as 'Ask and Answer', 'In a New City', 'Around the Town', and 'Phone a Friend'. Each activity targets different aspects of communication, including listening, talking, thinking, and writing. The tutor guides the students through these activities by assuming the role of a character. The lesson concludes with a summary section that includes a quiz and worksheets for further practice.

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This lesson plan, titled 'Quest for Questions', is designed to enhance students' questioning and answering skills. It includes various interactive activities such as 'Ask and Answer', 'In a New City', 'Around the Town', and 'Phone a Friend'. Each activity targets different aspects of communication, including listening, talking, thinking, and writing. The tutor guides the students through these activities by assuming the role of a character. The lesson concludes with a summary section that includes a quiz and worksheets for further practice.

60 min


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