Resources > Lesson Plans > ELA > First Grade > R-Controlled Words

R-Controlled Words

This interactive phonics lesson plan is designed to help students master the concept of 'Bossy R' or R-controlled vowels. The lesson begins with a warm-up exercise revising short vowel sounds, followed by story reading to identify words with Bossy Rs. Students then sort these words into categories and spell them out through listening activities. The session ends with a summary, an exit slip for assessment, and optional activities for further practice and real-world connection.

Know more about R-Controlled Words


This interactive phonics lesson plan is designed to help students master the concept of 'Bossy R' or R-controlled vowels. The lesson begins with a warm-up exercise revising short vowel sounds, followed by story reading to identify words with Bossy Rs. Students then sort these words into categories and spell them out through listening activities. The session ends with a summary, an exit slip for assessment, and optional activities for further practice and real-world connection.

60 min


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