Resources > Games > Math > First Grade > Adding Multiples of 10 to a 2-Digit Number Game

Adding Multiples of 10 to a 2-Digit Number Game

Team up with Blinky the Bat and the Oolzoos in this exciting game where you add multiples of 10 to 2-digit numbers. Tackle various challenges and boost your addition skills as you practice adding and subtracting within 100. Perfect for young mathematicians eager to learn and have fun. Embark on this thrilling journey and master the art of addition!

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The dream team - Blinky the bat, you, and the Oolzoos. Nobody can stop you from winning this game and learning with this game. Let's get started! The game is about solving a set of problems of varying difficulty levels and by doing so, your young mathematician will learn to add multiples of 10 to a 2-digit number.


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