- Number Sense (706)
- Number Recognition (20)
- Number Tracing (450)
Number Sequence
- Counting (130)
- Compare Numbers (48)
- Skip Counting (6)
- Place Value (17)
- Addition (392)
Add With Pictures
- Addition Strategies (91)
- Compose And Decompose Numbers (60)
Count All To Add
Add Using A Number Line
Count On To Add
Add Three Whole Numbers
- Subtraction (187)
- Geometry (67)
Data Handling
- Measurement (37)
- Word Problems (71)
- Reading (1,727)
- Phonics (1,688)
- Alphabet (680)
- Letter Recognition (680)
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D
Letter E
Letter F
Letter G
Letter H
Letter I
Letter J
Letter K
Letter L
Letter M
Letter N
Letter O
Letter P
Letter Q
Letter R
Letter S
Letter T
Letter U
Letter V
Letter W
Letter X
Letter Y
Letter Z
Lowercase Letters
Uppercase Letters
Matching Lowercase And Uppercase Letters
- Letter Sounds (312)
- Vowels (136)
- Short Vowel Sounds (128)
Short Vowel A Sound
Short Vowel E Sound
Short Vowel I Sound
Short Vowel O Sound
Short Vowel U Sound
- Vowel Teams (2)
- Blending (168)
- Consonant Digraphs (22)
Double Consonants
Rhyming Words
Sight Words
Segmenting Phonemes
Adding Deleting And Substituting Phonemes
- Reading Comprehension (31)
Story Elements
Authors Purpose
Compare And Contrast
Using Illustrations
Using Text Features
- Communication Skills (8)
- Writing (842)
- Handwriting (833)
- Letter Tracing (211)
Letter Tracing A
Letter Tracing B
Letter Tracing C
Letter Tracing D
Letter Tracing E
Letter Tracing F
Letter Tracing G
Letter Tracing H
Letter Tracing I
Letter Tracing J
Letter Tracing K
Letter Tracing L
Letter Tracing M
Letter Tracing N
Letter Tracing O
Letter Tracing P
Letter Tracing Q
Letter Tracing R
Letter Tracing S
Letter Tracing T
Letter Tracing U
Letter Tracing V
Letter Tracing W
Letter Tracing X
Letter Tracing Y
Letter Tracing Z
Word Tracing
- Cursive Writing (368)
- Cursive Alphabet (315)
Cursive Letter A
Cursive Letter B
Cursive Letter C
Cursive Letter D
Cursive Letter E
Cursive Letter F
Cursive Letter G
Cursive Letter H
Cursive Letter I
Cursive Letter J
Cursive Letter K
Cursive Letter L
Cursive Letter M
Cursive Letter N
Cursive Letter O
Cursive Letter P
Cursive Letter Q
Cursive Letter R
Cursive Letter S
Cursive Letter T
Cursive Letter U
Cursive Letter V
Cursive Letter W
Cursive Letter X
Cursive Letter Y
Cursive Letter Z
Cursive Words
Creative Writing
- Grammar (19)
- Vocabulary (127)
- Flashcards (14)
Number Sense Worksheets
View all 706 worksheets-
Number Sequence
Complete the Counting Worksheet
Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing to complete the counting.
Number Recognition
Number Hunt : 2 Worksheet
A fun and engaging worksheet that challenges students to locate and highlight all the number 2s.
Counting Backwards
Count Backwards within 20 with Christmas Cookies Worksheet
Master the skill of backward counting with this interactive worksheet on sequences within 20.
Number Tracing
Color Fruits and Trace Numbers (Within 3) Worksheet
This worksheet provides a fun activity of coloring and tracing fruits, while learning numbers up to 3.
Addition Worksheets
View all 392 worksheets-
Add With Pictures
Identify the Correct Group Worksheet
Learners must identify the correct group to enhance their math skills.
Add Three Whole Numbers
Add Using Number Line Worksheet
Help your child revise number sense by solving to add using number lines.
Addition Strategies
Number Sentence Worksheet
Help your child revise number sense by solving the number sentences.
Addition Properties
Apply the Commutative Property of Addition Worksheet
Print this worksheet to apply the commutative property of addition like a math legend!
Subtraction Worksheets
View all 187 worksheets-
Subtraction Strategies
Create Number Sentences Worksheet
Boost your ability to create number sentences by printing this playful worksheet.
Subtraction Strategies
Subtract to Find the Difference Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to practice subtraction to find the difference.
Subtract With Pictures
Complete Subtraction Sentence Using Pictures Worksheet
Help your child revise subtraction by completing subtraction sentences using pictures.
Subtract With Pictures
Represent Subtraction Sentences Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving problems to represent subtraction sentences.
Geometry Worksheets
View all 67 worksheets-
Positional Words
Front and Behind Worksheet
Practice 'Front' and 'Behind' by printing this playful worksheet.
Classify Shapes as Flats or Solids Worksheet
Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by classifying shapes as flats or solids.
Match the Attributes of Triangle Worksheet
Boost triangle identification skills with this engaging worksheet on matching triangle attributes.
Positional Words
Above and Below Worksheet
Practice 'Above' and 'Below' by printing this playful worksheet.
Data Handling Worksheets
View all 7 worksheets-
Sorting Objects
Identify by Type Worksheet
Learn measurement at the speed of lightning by practicing to identify by type.
Sorting Objects
Identifying Objects by Type Worksheet
Learners must identify objects by their type to enhance their math skills.
Sorting Objects
Identifying Objects by Color Worksheet
Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by identifying objects by color.
Sorting Objects
Identifying Objects by Size Worksheet
Pack your math practice time with fun by identifying objects by size.
Measurement Worksheets
View all 37 worksheets-
Which One is Taller Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to identify which one is taller.
Identify Heavy or Light Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to identify which object is heavy or light.
Empty or Full Worksheet
Assess your math skills by solving this Empty or Full worksheet.
Which One is Longer Worksheet
Learn measurement at the speed of lightning by practicing to identify which one is longer.
Money Worksheets
View all 6 worksheets-
Identify Coins
Counting Dimes Worksheet
A worksheet focused on teaching students how to count and calculate the value of dimes.
Identify Coins
Make Amounts Using Dimes Worksheet
Learn to create different amounts using dimes with this fun, interactive worksheet!
Identify Coins
Make Amounts Using Nickels Worksheet
Interactive worksheet on combining nickels to form various amounts in the Penny, Nickel, and Dime topic.
Identify Coins
Counting Coins of the Same Type Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on sharpening your child's skills in counting pennies, nickels, and dimes.
Word Problems Worksheets
View all 71 worksheets-
Subtraction Word Problems
Select the Correct Subtraction Expression Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by selecting the correct subtraction expression.
Addition Word Problems
Select the Correct Addition Expression Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by selecting the correct addition expression.
Addition Word Problems
Create and Solve Your Own Story Problem Worksheet
Help your child revise subtraction by creating and solving your own story problem.
Subtraction Word Problems
Subtract within 5: Summer Word Problems Worksheet
A fun, summer-themed worksheet designed to enhance students' subtraction skills with problems up to 5.
All Math Worksheets
Number Sense
Identify 1 More or 1 Less Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to identify 1 more or 1 less.
Add Using Fingers Worksheet
Learners must add using fingers to enhance their math skills.
Word Problems
Represent Word Problems as Math Expressions Worksheet
Dive into this worksheet by practicing to represent word problems as math expressions.
Number Sense
Numbers Smaller Than 5 Within 9 Worksheet
A fun worksheet that encourages students to identify and mark all the numbers less than 5.
Basic Addition Problems within 10: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing basic addition problems within 10.
Use Bar Model to Compare Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing to use the bar model to compare.
Which One is Shorter Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to identify the shorter one.
Word Problems
Identify Math Expression for Word Problems Worksheet
Learners must identify math expressions for word problems to enhance their math skills.
Number Sense
Numbers Greater Than 5 Within 9 Worksheet
A worksheet designed to help students identify and mark numbers greater than 5, from the given set of numbers.
Basic Addition Problems within 10: Vertical Addition Worksheet
Practice basic addition problems within 10 in this worksheet.
Add and Subtract 1-Digit Numbers within 20: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing to add and subtract 1-digit numbers within 20.
Identify the Position of the Ball Worksheet
Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by correctly identifying the position of the ball.
Compare Lengths of Objects Worksheet
Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by practicing to compare the lengths of objects.
Word Problems
Story Problems on Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Solve story problems on addition and subtraction to strengthen your math skills.
Single Digit Addition within 5: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
Use this worksheet to practice single digit addition within 5 to strengthen your math skills.
Add and Subtract 1-Digit Numbers within 20: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to add and subtract 1-digit numbers within 20.
Shapes and Positions Worksheet
Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing shapes and positions.
Draw Longer and Shorter Objects Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to draw longer and shorter objects to strengthen your math skills.
Word Problems
Make a Story Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by practicing to make a story.
Number Sense
Number Hunt : 3 Worksheet
A fun-filled worksheet designed to enhance number recognition by finding and marking all the 3s.
Single Digit Addition within 5: Vertical Addition Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing single digit addition within 5.
Three More or Three Less within 10: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to find three more or three less within 10.
Place the Shapes Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by placing the shapes.
Data Handling
Sort the Flowers by Size Worksheet
Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by sorting the flowers by size.
Recognize the Longer Object Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to recognize the longer object to strengthen your math skills.
Make Amounts Using Pennies Worksheet
Learn to calculate and make various amounts using pennies with this engaging worksheet!
Word Problems
Create Your Own Word Problems Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to create your own word problems.
Number Sense
Number Hunt : 1 Worksheet
A fun-filled worksheet designed to help students identify and mark all instances of the number 1.
Add 2 to Numbers within 10: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by solving to add 2 to numbers within 10.
Add and Subtract Numbers within 10: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by solving to add and subtract numbers within 10.
Position the Shapes Worksheet
Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by practicing to position the shapes.
Data Handling
Sort the Apples by Color Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by sorting the apples by color.
Comparing Length Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to compare lengths.
Making Amounts Smaller than 25 Cents Worksheet
This worksheet involves exercises on creating various amounts less than 25 cents using pennies, nickels, and dimes.
Word Problems
Add or Subtract within 5: Summer Word Problems Worksheet
Summer-themed worksheet for students to practice adding or subtracting within 5 through word problems.
Number Sense
Number Hunt : 5 Worksheet
A fun-filled worksheet tasking students to hunt down and mark all occurrences of the number 5.