- Number Sense (271)
- Number Recognition (20)
Number Sequence
- Counting (80)
- Compare Numbers (69)
Order Numbers
- Skip Counting (38)
- Place Value (56)
- Addition (777)
Add With Pictures
- Addition Properties (29)
- Addition Strategies (249)
- Compose And Decompose Numbers (114)
Count All To Add
Add Using A Number Line
Count On To Add
Add With 10
Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy
Make 10 Strategy
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 2-Digit Addition (89)
- Subtraction (448)
Subtract With Pictures
- Subtraction Strategies (81)
Count Back Strategy
Subtract Using A Number Line
Doubles And Near Doubles Subtraction Strategy
Subtract From 10 Strategy
Subtract Using Multiples Of 10
- 2-Digit Subtraction (101)
- Geometry (131)
Data Handling
- Measurement (51)
- Time (86)
Am And Pm
Time In Hours
Time In Half Hours
Time In Quarter Hours
Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes
Digital Clock
- Money (88)
- Algebra (14)
- Word Problems (160)
- Reading (1,657)
- Phonics (1,595)
- Bossy R (77)
- Consonant Blends (236)
- Letter Sounds (102)
- Vowels (235)
- Long Vowel Sounds (148)
Long Vowel A Sound
Long Vowel E Sound
Long Vowel I Sound
Long Vowel O Sound
Long Vowel U Sound
Silent E
- Short Vowel Sounds (61)
- Vowel Teams (105)
- Blending (234)
- Consonant Digraphs (11)
Rhyming Words
- Trigraphs (1)
- Sight Words (707)
Hard And Soft Sounds Of C And G
- Reading Comprehension (51)
Story Elements
Authors Purpose
Compare And Contrast
Ask And Answer Questions
Central Message
Point Of View
Sensory Words
Reality And Fantasy
Using Illustrations
Using Text Features
Context Clues
- Communication Skills (11)
- Writing (585)
- Handwriting (568)
Word Tracing
Sentence Tracing
- Cursive Writing (324)
- Cursive Alphabet (199)
Cursive Letter A
Cursive Letter B
Cursive Letter C
Cursive Letter D
Cursive Letter E
Cursive Letter F
Cursive Letter G
Cursive Letter H
Cursive Letter I
Cursive Letter J
Cursive Letter K
Cursive Letter L
Cursive Letter M
Cursive Letter N
Cursive Letter O
Cursive Letter P
Cursive Letter Q
Cursive Letter R
Cursive Letter S
Cursive Letter T
Cursive Letter U
Cursive Letter V
Cursive Letter W
Cursive Letter X
Cursive Letter Y
Cursive Letter Z
Cursive Words
Cursive Sentences
Creative Writing
- Grammar (52)
- Vocabulary (237)
- Affixes (8)
Commonly Confused Words
Synonyms And Antonyms
- Word Puzzles (118)
Shades Of Meaning
Sorting Words Into Categories
- Flashcards (21)
All Resources
Learning to Write the Sight Words: Much, Both, Once, Upon, & Ten Game
Let your child embark on a fun journey of writing sight words with this engaging game. They'll practice spelling words like much, both, once, upon, and ten. This game focuses on rearranging and learning sight words, making it a delightful way to revise and strengthen their vocabulary. Encourage your young learner to spell a bunch of sight words together. Get started now!
Learning to Write the Sight Words: Pull, Stop, Same, Try, & Full Game
Let your child explore the joy of writing with this exciting game focused on sight words like pull, stop, same, try, and full. This game encourages kids to practice spelling these words, making learning interactive and enjoyable. It's a perfect way to reinforce sight word recognition while improving writing skills. Let the fun begin!
Subtract and Color Vegetables (Within 5) Worksheet
This worksheet combines subtraction within 5 and coloring, helping students visualize math with vegetables!
Cut and Paste Animals: Letter P
Boost letter recognition and vocabulary exploring letter P animals using our fun interactive cut and paste worksheet.
Learning to Write the Sight Words: Often, Sunday, Together, Told Game
Help your child master sight words with this exciting game! They'll practice writing words like often, Sunday, together, and told. This fun activity boosts their spelling skills while keeping them engaged. Perfect for young learners who are ready to move from recognizing to writing sight words. Watch them enjoy the learning process and build their confidence. Play now!
Exploring Words with Second Sound of G Game
Get ready to explore words with the soft "g" sound in this engaging game! Kids will identify and read words, enhancing their reading skills. Watch out for tricky trap answers as they navigate through exciting challenges. This game is perfect for young learners eager to master the art of reading words with soft sounds like "c" and "g."
Addition Facts within 20: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet
Boost your speed in solving addition problems with this timed worksheet focusing on facts within 20.
Subtract and Color Vegetables (Within 10) Worksheet
This worksheet challenges students to practice subtraction within 10 and color the corresponding number of vegetables.
Cut and Paste Animals: Letter R
Fun and learning combined with our cut and paste worksheet, focusing on the names of animals starting with the letter R.
Add within 10: Summer Word Problems Worksheet
Fun summer-themed worksheet offering engaging word problems for adding numbers within 10.
Subtract and Color Vegetables (Within 20) Worksheet
A fun, interactive worksheet that combines subtraction within 20 with coloring your favorite vegetables!
Cut and Paste Animals: Letter S
Spark an interest in animals with our engaging cut and paste worksheet, with a spotlight on letter S animals.
Add within 20: Summer Word Problems Worksheet
Summer-themed worksheet for students to practice adding numbers within 20 through word problems.
Subtract and Color Vehicles (Within 3) Worksheet
Boost math skills with this worksheet, subtract numbers within 3 and color fun vehicles accordingly!
Cut and Paste Animals: Letter T
Turn every lesson into an adventure with our cut and paste worksheet, focusing on animal names starting with the letter T.
Add within 10: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet
Spooky-themed worksheet for students to practice and boost their skills in adding numbers within 10.
Subtract and Color Vehicles (Within 5) Worksheet
Subtract numbers and color vehicles in this engaging worksheet, perfect for enhancing early math skills.
Match the Food items: Letter A
Develop letter knowledge and vocabulary with our engaging matching worksheet, linking letter A foods in a fun, printable format.
Add within 20: Halloween Word Problems Worksheet
Solve spooky word problems in this Halloween-themed addition worksheet for numbers up to 20.
Subtract and Color Vehicles (Within 10) Worksheet
This fun vehicle-themed worksheet tasks students to subtract within 10 and color as many vehicles.
Match the Food items: Letter B
Strengthen letter knowledge and vocabulary with this engaging, printable worksheet focusing on matching letter B food items.
Add within 10: Christmas Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging Christmas-themed worksheet focused on solving addition problems within 10.
Subtract and Color Vehicles (Within 20) Worksheet
Engage with this worksheet to subtract numbers up to 20 and color the equivalent number of vehicles!
Match the Food items: Letter C
Elevate letter knowledge and vocabulary with this engaging worksheet, matching the letter C to corresponding food items.
Add within 20: Christmas Word Problems Worksheet
Engage in festive learning with this worksheet, solving Christmas-themed addition problems within 20.
Create Number Sentences Worksheet
Boost your ability to create number sentences by printing this playful worksheet.
Match the Food items: Letter D
Refine vocabulary skills and letter knowledge with this matching worksheet, connecting the letter D to delicious food items.
Add within 10: Shopping Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging worksheet with a shopping theme for students to practice addition within 10.
Relate Addition & Subtraction Sentences Worksheet
Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing to relate addition & subtraction sentences.
Match the Food items: Letter E
Boost vocabulary and letter knowledge with our fun worksheet. Hone matching skills with foods starting with the letter E.
Add within 20: Shopping Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging worksheet that merges shopping themes with solving addition problems up to 20.
Subtract Using Think Addition Strategy Worksheet
Help your child revise subtraction by solving to subtract using think addition strategy.
Match the Food items: Letter F
Improve your child's vocabulary and letter knowledge with this enjoyable printable, matching food items with the letter F.
Add within 10: Travel Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging travel-themed worksheet designed to enhance students' skills in addition within 10.
Think Addition to Subtract Strategy Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing think addition as a subtraction strategy.
Match the Food items: Letter G
Advance literacy skills and letter knowledge with this matching worksheet, perfect for identifying letter G foods.
Add within 20: Travel Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging travel-themed worksheet designed to boost student's skills in adding numbers up to 20.
Subtract to Find the Difference Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to practice subtraction to find the difference.
Match the Food items: Letter H
Enhance your child's matching skills with this engaging printable worksheet featuring food items starting with the letter H.
Add within 10: Sports Word Problems Worksheet
This worksheet features sports-themed word problems aimed at enhancing students' skills to add within 10.
Related Addition & Subtraction Equations Worksheet
Dive into this printable worksheet by practicing related addition & subtraction equations.
Match the Food items: Letter J
Foster vocabulary and letter knowledge with this printable worksheet, matching the letter J to exciting food items.
Add within 20: Sports Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging sports-themed worksheet designed to improve students' skills in adding within 20.
Subtract Using Number Bonds of 10 Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to subtract using number bonds of 10.
Match the Food items: Letter K
Enhance letter knowledge and vocabulary with this interactive worksheet, matching the letter K to yummy food items!
Add within 10: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet
Cook up some math fun with this worksheet, solving word problems by adding within 10!
Form Math Equations Using Bar Model Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to form math equations using bar models to strengthen your math skills.
Match the Food items: Letter L
Refine vocabulary and letter knowledge with this engaging printable, matching the letter L with corresponding food items.