- Number Sense (271)
- Number Recognition (20)
Number Sequence
- Counting (80)
- Compare Numbers (69)
Order Numbers
- Skip Counting (38)
- Place Value (56)
- Addition (777)
Add With Pictures
- Addition Properties (29)
- Addition Strategies (249)
- Compose And Decompose Numbers (114)
Count All To Add
Add Using A Number Line
Count On To Add
Add With 10
Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy
Make 10 Strategy
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 2-Digit Addition (89)
- Subtraction (448)
Subtract With Pictures
- Subtraction Strategies (81)
Count Back Strategy
Subtract Using A Number Line
Doubles And Near Doubles Subtraction Strategy
Subtract From 10 Strategy
Subtract Using Multiples Of 10
- 2-Digit Subtraction (101)
- Geometry (131)
Data Handling
- Measurement (51)
- Time (86)
Am And Pm
Time In Hours
Time In Half Hours
Time In Quarter Hours
Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes
Digital Clock
- Money (88)
- Algebra (14)
- Word Problems (160)
- Bossy R (77)
- Consonant Blends (236)
- Letter Sounds (102)
- Vowels (235)
- Long Vowel Sounds (148)
Long Vowel A Sound
Long Vowel E Sound
Long Vowel I Sound
Long Vowel O Sound
Long Vowel U Sound
Silent E
- Short Vowel Sounds (61)
- Vowel Teams (105)
- Blending (234)
- Consonant Digraphs (11)
Rhyming Words
- Trigraphs (1)
- Sight Words (707)
Hard And Soft Sounds Of C And G
- Reading Comprehension (51)
Story Elements
Authors Purpose
Compare And Contrast
Ask And Answer Questions
Central Message
Point Of View
Sensory Words
Reality And Fantasy
Using Illustrations
Using Text Features
Context Clues
- Communication Skills (11)
- Writing (585)
- Handwriting (568)
Word Tracing
Sentence Tracing
- Cursive Writing (324)
- Cursive Alphabet (199)
Cursive Letter A
Cursive Letter B
Cursive Letter C
Cursive Letter D
Cursive Letter E
Cursive Letter F
Cursive Letter G
Cursive Letter H
Cursive Letter I
Cursive Letter J
Cursive Letter K
Cursive Letter L
Cursive Letter M
Cursive Letter N
Cursive Letter O
Cursive Letter P
Cursive Letter Q
Cursive Letter R
Cursive Letter S
Cursive Letter T
Cursive Letter U
Cursive Letter V
Cursive Letter W
Cursive Letter X
Cursive Letter Y
Cursive Letter Z
Cursive Words
Cursive Sentences
Creative Writing
- Grammar (52)
- Vocabulary (237)
- Affixes (8)
Commonly Confused Words
Synonyms And Antonyms
- Word Puzzles (118)
Shades Of Meaning
Sorting Words Into Categories
- Flashcards (21)
All Phonics Resources
Fill in the blank revision 30 Worksheet
Complete sentences with key sight words in this engaging worksheet.
Find the word: more Worksheet
Seek 'More' in a sea of words with this challenging worksheet!
Spot the Word: through Worksheet
Become more versatile in English by spotting the word: 'through'.
Learn the Word: eight Worksheet
Learn the word: 'eight' in this fun ELA worksheet.
Fun with Words: another Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to have fun with words: 'another'.
Read by Sight: most Worksheet
Learners must read by sight: 'most' to improve their ELA skills.
Sight Word Maze: push Worksheet
Enhance your linguistic skills by practicing the sight word maze: 'push' with this worksheet.
Master the Word: those Worksheet
Learners must master the word: 'those' to improve their ELA skills.
Learn the Word: friend Worksheet
Learn the word: 'friend' with this printable ELA worksheet.
Fun with Words: morning Worksheet
Reinforce ELA concepts by having fun with words: 'morning'.
Find the Word: let Worksheet
Let's find 'Let' in this exciting and playful word search worksheet!
Trace and Write the Word Worksheet
Master language arts by tracing and writing the given word.
Find the Sight Word Worksheet
Embark on a sight word discovery journey in this captivating worksheet!
Search for the Sight Word Should Worksheet
Help your child search for the sight word 'should'.
Look for the Sight Word Say Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to look for the sight words.
Trace the Sight Word Worksheet
Combine ELA learning with adventure by tracing the sight word.
Color and Complete the Sight Word Worksheet
Color and complete the sight word 'Walk' on the "Color and Complete the Sight Word 'Walk' Worksheet."
Color All Boxes that Contain the Word 'Got' Worksheet
Find and color boxes containing the sight word 'Got' on the "Color Boxes that Contain the Sight Word 'Got' Worksheet."
Trace and Spot the Sight Word Worksheet
Trace and spot the sight word with this ELA worksheet.
Circle the Sight Word 'Than' Worksheet
Enhance sight word proficiency by spotting and circling 'Than' in sentences in this fun worksheet.
Color the Cupcake That Contains the Word 'Laugh' Worksheet
A blend of cupcakes and words awaits! Identify and color the word "laugh" in this delightful worksheet.
Cut and Paste fun with Sight Words Worksheet
Reinforce word recognition with this worksheet, positioning snipped sight words correctly.
Let's Color Code the Sight Words Worksheet
Children must color code the sight words in this worksheet.
Find the Given Sight Words Worksheet
Search and highlight given sight words in this fun-filled worksheet!
Let's Find the Sight Word Worksheet
Become more versatile in English by finding the sight word.
Color the Picture According to the Code Worksheet
Color Code Artistry guides kids to color precisely using specific codes in this worksheet.
Trace the Word: Upon Worksheet
Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by tracing the word: 'Upon'.
Find the Sight Word: Back Worksheet
Seek 'Back' in a sea of words in this sight word treasure hunt worksheet!
Circle the Sight Word 'Off' Worksheet
A fun worksheet designed to elevate reading skills. Kids spot & circle the sight word 'off.'
Write and Identify: Both Worksheet
Add elements of fun to your ELA practice by writing and identifying: 'Both'.
Find and Circle the Word: Even Worksheet
Hunt for 'even' in a sea of words with this engaging find-and-circle worksheet!
Trace and Find: Around Worksheet
Trace and find: 'Around' with this ELA worksheet.
Color and Complete: Must Worksheet
Complete and color the sight word 'Must' on the "Color and Complete the Sight Word 'Must' Worksheet."
Once in a Maze Worksheet
Assess your ELA skills by solving the maze in this worksheet.
Trace and Complete: Much Worksheet
Learners must trace and complete: 'Much' to improve their ELA skills.
Sight Word Hunt Worksheet
Spark an interest in language in your child by playing the sight word hunt.
Cut and Paste Sight Words Worksheet
Zoom into "Back, Both, Much, Must" with this sight word practice worksheet!
Sight Words Car Worksheet
Use the given codes to color the cars in this worksheet.
Find the Sight Words Worksheet
Become a sight word wizard with this masterful learning worksheet!
Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Sight Word Worksheet
Perfect sight words usage by filling in the correct ones in this worksheet.
Color the Sight Word Correctly Worksheet
Engage with the "Color the Sight Word Correctly" worksheet, blending coloring & learning for sight word mastery.
Find the Word: pull Worksheet
Learners must find the word: 'pull' with this ELA worksheet.
Sight Word: stop Worksheet
Practice the sight word 'stop' by printing this playful worksheet.
Learn the Word: same Worksheet
In this worksheet, students will get to learn the word: 'same'.
Fine the Word: try Worksheet
Kids must find the word: 'try' with the help of this worksheet.
Search the Word: full Worksheet
Kids must search the word: 'full' in this worksheet.
Fun with Words: often Worksheet
Master language arts by having fun with words: 'often'.
Sight Word Maze: didn't Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to practice the sight word maze: 'didn't'.