- Number Sense (177)
- Compare Numbers (50)
- Order Numbers (10)
- Skip Counting (39)
Even And Odd Numbers
Place Value
- Round Numbers (5)
- Addition (381)
Add With Pictures
- Addition Properties (26)
- Addition Strategies (102)
Compose And Decompose Numbers
Add With 10
Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy
Make 10 Strategy
Add Using Multiples Of 10
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 2-Digit Addition (79)
- 3-Digit Addition (92)
- Subtraction (388)
Subtract With Pictures
- Subtraction Strategies (73)
Subtract Using A Number Line
Subtract From 10 Strategy
Subtract Using Multiples Of 10
- 2-Digit Subtraction (144)
- 3-Digit Subtraction (92)
- Multiplication (92)
- Geometry (50)
Data Handling
- Measurement (34)
- Time (99)
Am And Pm
Time In Hours
Time In Half Hours
Time In Quarter Hours
Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes
Digital Clock
- Money (72)
- Word Problems (175)
- Reading (641)
- Phonics (563)
- Diphthongs (25)
Letter Sounds
- Vowels (81)
- Blending (114)
- Consonant Digraphs (4)
- Trigraphs (16)
Three Letter Blends
Sight Words
Silent Letter Words
- Reading Comprehension (72)
Cause And Effect
Story Elements
Authors Purpose
Compare And Contrast
Central Message
Point Of View
Using Illustrations
Using Text Features
Context Clues
- Communication Skills (6)
- Writing (444)
- Handwriting (410)
Creative Writing
- Grammar (75)
- Vocabulary (206)
Commonly Confused Words
Compound Words
- Figures Of Speech (9)
Synonyms And Antonyms
- Word Puzzles (135)
Shades Of Meaning
Sorting Words Into Categories
- Flashcards (10)
All Math Worksheets
Subtract 6 within 20: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet
Learners must subtract 6 within 20 to enhance their math skills.
Multiplication Window of 4
Practice multiplication by 4 with this engaging and interactive worksheet for kids.
Parts That Make a Whole Worksheet
Learners must explore parts that make a whole to enhance their math skills.
Draw the Hour Hand to Represent O’Clock Time Worksheet
Boost your child's time-telling skills with this interactive hour hand worksheet.
Guess the Amount Using Same Types of Coins Worksheet
Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by guessing the amount using the same types of coins.
Word Problems
Solve Two-Step Word Problems on Same Operation Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving two-step word problems on the same operation.
Number Sense
Roll the Dice and Compare 2-Digit Numbers
Roll the dice and compare 2-digit numbers, making math interactive with this fun worksheet.
Add 5 within 10: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by solving to add 5 within 10.
Subtract 7 within 20: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to subtract 7 within 20 to strengthen your math skills.
Complete the Facts of 4
Strengthen your math skills with this comprehensive worksheet on multiplication facts of 4.
Identify Halves and Quarters Worksheet
Learn geometry at the speed of lightning by practicing to identify halves and quarters.
Set Time in O'Clock and Write Time in Digital Format Worksheet
Enhance your child's time-setting skills with our interactive worksheet on digital time format.
Guess the Amount Using Different Types of Coins Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by guessing the amount using different types of coins.
Word Problems
Solve Two-Step Story Problems on Same Operation Worksheet
Assess your math skills by solving two-step story problems on the same operation.
Number Sense
Word Problems on Comparing 2-Digit Numbers
Tackle word problems by comparing 2-digit numbers in this stimulating worksheet.
Add 1 within 20: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by practicing to add 1 within 20.
Subtract 8 within 20: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet
Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by solving to subtract 8 within 20.
Check Facts of 4
Verify your knowledge of multiplication facts with this fun and educational worksheet on 4.
Halves of Shapes Worksheet
Help your child revise geometry by solving to identify the halves of shapes.
Show Time in O'Clock on Analog Clock Worksheet
Engage with this worksheet to master setting time in O'Clock format on an analog clock.
Guess the Amount Using Same Types of Bills Worksheet
Learn to guess the amount using the same types of bills with this worksheet.
Word Problems
Solving Mystery Problems on Same Operation Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by solving mystery problems on the same operation.
Number Sense
Check the Number Comparisons within 1000 Worksheet
Boost your child's math skills with this worksheet on comparing 3-digit numbers within 1,000.
Add 3 within 20: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving problems to add 3 within 20.
Subtract 9 within 20: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing to subtract 9 within 20.
Complete the Maze Using Facts of 4
Navigate an exciting maze using multiplication facts of 4 in this interactive worksheet.
Partitioning Shapes into Thirds Worksheet
Put your math skills to the test by partitioning shapes into thirds.
Guess the Amount Using Different Types of Bills Worksheet
This worksheet will help you practice guessing the amount using different types of bills.
Word Problems
Model and Solve Mystery Problems on Same Operation Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to model and solve mystery problems on the same operation.
Number Sense
Choose the Greatest Number within 1000 Worksheet
This worksheet lets you sharpen your skills to select the largest 3-digit number within 1,000.
Add 4 within 20: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to add 4 within 20.
Two Less within 10: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet
Help your child revise subtraction by finding two less within 10.
Multiplication Wheel of 4
Explore and learn with this engaging worksheet featuring the multiplication wheel of 4.
Partitioning Shapes into Fourths Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to partition shapes into fourths.
Identify Half Past an Hour on the Clock Worksheet
Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by identifying half past an hour on the clock.
Identify the Amount of Money Worksheet
Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by practicing to identify the amount of money.
Word Problems
Solve Two-Step Word Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to solve two-step word problems on addition & subtraction.
Number Sense
Compare 3-Digit Numbers with Words Worksheet
Enhance your number comparison skills with this worksheet on comparing 3-digit numbers with words.
Add 5 within 20: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to add 5 within 20.
One Less within 20: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet
Print this worksheet to find one less within 20 like a math legend!
Match the Multiplication Facts of 4
Match multiplication facts of 4 with this challenging and educational worksheet for kids.
Partitions of a Shape Worksheet
Help your child revise geometry by practicing the partitions of a shape.
Write Time in 24-Hourl Format Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by writing time in 24-hour format.
Make a Dollar Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing to make a dollar.
Word Problems
Solve Two-Step Story Problems on Add & Subtract Worksheet
Become a mathematician by solving two-step story problems on addition & subtraction.
Number Sense
Compare and Select Numbers within 1000 Worksheet
An engaging worksheet to enhance skills in comparing 3-digit numbers within 1,000.
Add 6 within 20: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to practice adding 6 within 20.
Two Less within 20: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet
Pack your math practice time with fun by finding two less within 20.