- Number Sense (256)
- Compare Numbers (65)
- Order Numbers (12)
- Skip Counting (74)
Even And Odd Numbers
- Place Value (59)
- Round Numbers (5)
- Addition (566)
Add With Pictures
- Addition Properties (32)
- Addition Strategies (153)
Compose And Decompose Numbers
Add Using A Number Line
Count On To Add
Add With 10
Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy
Make 10 Strategy
Add Using Multiples Of 10
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 2-Digit Addition (123)
- 3-Digit Addition (156)
- Subtraction (493)
Subtract With Pictures
- Subtraction Strategies (87)
Subtract Using A Number Line
Doubles And Near Doubles Subtraction Strategy
Subtract From 10 Strategy
Subtract Using Multiples Of 10
- 2-Digit Subtraction (171)
- 3-Digit Subtraction (138)
- Multiplication (117)
- Multiplication Strategies (43)
Multiplication With Equal Groups
Multiplication With Arrays
Repeated Addition To Multiply
Times Tables
Multiplication Properties
- Geometry (78)
- Data Handling (64)
- Measurement (59)
Am And Pm
Time In Hours
Time In Half Hours
Time In Quarter Hours
Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes
Digital Clock
- Money (114)
- Algebra (17)
- Word Problems (208)
- Reading (1,046)
- Phonics (968)
- Diphthongs (47)
Letter Sounds
- Vowels (81)
- Blending (114)
- Consonant Digraphs (4)
Rhyming Words
- Trigraphs (54)
Three Letter Blends
- Sight Words (609)
Silent Letter Words
- Reading Comprehension (72)
Cause And Effect
Story Elements
Authors Purpose
Compare And Contrast
Central Message
Point Of View
Using Illustrations
Using Text Features
Context Clues
- Communication Skills (6)
- Writing (444)
- Handwriting (410)
Creative Writing
- Grammar (75)
- Vocabulary (206)
Commonly Confused Words
Compound Words
- Figures Of Speech (9)
Synonyms And Antonyms
- Word Puzzles (135)
Shades Of Meaning
Sorting Words Into Categories
- Flashcards (10)
All Time Resources
Sort Digital Clocks as Quarter to and Quarter Past Time Worksheet
Enhance time-telling skills with this worksheet on sorting digital clocks in quarter hours.
Write Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes in AM and PM Worksheet
Boost your child's time-telling skills with this AM and PM worksheet on rounding to the nearest 5 minutes.
Finding Path using Time
Find the path using time in this fun and interactive AM and PM worksheet for young learners.
Sort Analog Clocks as Quarter to and Quarter Past Time Worksheet
Enhance time-telling skills with this worksheet on sorting quarter hours on analog clocks.
Write Time Shown by Analog Clock along with AM or PM Worksheet
Boost your child's understanding of time with this AM/PM analog clock worksheet.
AM and PM Time for Activities
Learn AM and PM times for activities with this engaging and educational worksheet.
Find Time After or Before 15 Minutes Worksheet
Enhance your child's understanding of quarter hours with our engaging worksheet on time calculation.
Guess the Time in Digital Format Using the Hour Hand Worksheet
Enhance your time-telling skills with this worksheet focused on understanding the hour hand.
Time of the Day for the Activities
Identify the time of day for activities with this fun and interactive AM and PM worksheet.
Read Time in Quarter Hours on Analog Clock Worksheet
Master quarter-hour time reading skills with our engaging worksheet on analog clocks.
Set Time on Analog Clock and Write Digital Time Using AM and PM Worksheet
Master setting time with this engaging worksheet on reading analog clocks and using AM/PM.
Picture for the Time of the Day
Match pictures with the correct time of day using this engaging AM and PM worksheet.
Match the Time in Quarter Hours with the Digital Clock Worksheet
Boost time-telling skills with this worksheet, matching quarter-hour time with digital clocks.
Write the Time in Digital Format Worksheet
Boost your child's digital clock understanding with our intuitive worksheet on time conversion.
Sort the Activities as AM or PM
Sort activities as AM or PM with this fun and educational time-telling worksheet.
Read the Digital Clock and Write Time in Words Worksheet
Improve time-reading skills with our digital clock worksheet, converting numbers into words.
Match the Time of the Day
Match the time of day accurately with this engaging and interactive AM and PM worksheet.
Matching Time to Nearest 5 Minutes on Digital and Analog Clock Worksheet
Sharpen your time-telling skills with this worksheet on rounding time to the nearest 5 minutes.
Match the Clocks with the Time of the Day
Match clocks with the correct time of day using this fun and educational worksheet.
Fill the Time Table using AM and PM
Fill the timetable using AM and PM with this engaging and educational worksheet for kids.
Earliest and Latest Time of the Day
Order the time of day correctly with this fun and interactive AM and PM worksheet.
The Minute Hand Game
In this fun math game, kids will explore the world of analog clocks by focusing on the minute hand. They'll solve exciting challenges to understand time better. This game helps young learners build confidence in reading clocks and telling time, making it a perfect way to boost their math skills. Get ready for a thrilling time-learning adventure!
Time of Activities of the Day Worksheet
Look at the time of activities of the day by printing this playful worksheet.
Hours or Minutes Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving problems with 'hours' or 'minutes'.
Reading Time in Hours Game
This fun math game helps kids master the skill of reading time in hours using an analog clock. Children will analyze the clock and choose the correct time from multiple options, building confidence in telling time. This interactive experience makes learning about clocks enjoyable and boosts essential time-telling skills. Perfect for young learners!
Estimate Time Using the Hour Hand Worksheet
Master the hour hand with this engaging worksheet designed to enhance time estimation skills.
Verify the Position of Hour Hand in the Analog Clock Worksheet
Boost your time-telling skills with this engaging worksheet on understanding the hour hand.
Setting Time in Hours Game
Help kids master the concept of time with this interactive game. They'll use a virtual analog clock to set and read time in hours, enhancing their ability to tell time accurately. This engaging activity targets common misconceptions and builds confidence in young learners. Through playful interaction, children will develop essential skills in reading clocks and understanding time.
Selecting the Clock Game
In this exciting clock game, kids will learn to tell time by selecting the correct analog clock that matches the given time. With visual aids, young learners will practice reading clocks, focusing on the hour and minute hands. This game helps build confidence in understanding time while making math fun and interactive. Perfect for developing time-telling skills!
Reading Time in Half Hours Game
Introduce your child to the world of time-telling with this engaging game. They'll learn to read and tell time in half hours using analog clocks, building essential math skills. Perfect for young learners, this game offers timely practice that makes understanding time fun and easy. Watch as your child gains confidence and accuracy in reading clocks!
Setting Time in Half Hours Game
In this fun math game, kids will learn to set time in half hours using a virtual analog clock. They'll interact with the clock to move the hour and minute hands, helping them grasp the concept of time in a hands-on way. Perfect for young learners, this game enhances their ability to read clocks and tell time, making learning a delightful adventure!
Determine Whether the Given Situations Occur in AM or PM Worksheet
Enhance your understanding of AM and PM with our engaging worksheet on time-based scenarios.
Daily Routine with Appropriate Time in AM and PM Worksheet
Improve time-telling skills with this engaging AM/PM worksheet based on daily routines.
Identifying the Correct Clock Game
Help your child tell time like a pro with this engaging game! They'll practice reading clocks and selecting the correct one based on given times. This game focuses on understanding the minute and hour hands, making learning fun and interactive. Perfect for young learners to grasp time concepts and boost their confidence in reading analog clocks.
Tell Time of the Activity by Hour in AM and PM Worksheet
Improve your child's understanding of AM and PM with our engaging time-telling worksheet.
Sorting Activities Based on Time in AM or PM Worksheet
Enhance time-telling skills with this worksheet focusing on sorting AM and PM activities.
Setting Time to Quarter Hours on an Analog Clock Game
In this engaging math game, kids learn to set time to quarter hours on an analog clock. Perfect for second graders, it helps clear up common misconceptions about time while making learning fun. Students will practice telling and writing time, boosting their time-telling skills with every play. An exciting way to grasp the concept of quarter hours and improve math skills!
Verify the Use of AM and PM in Real-Life Scenarios Worksheet
Enhance your understanding of AM and PM with this engaging, real-life scenario worksheet.
Write Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes in AM and PM Worksheet
Boost your child's time-telling skills with this AM and PM worksheet on rounding to the nearest 5 minutes.
Identifying Quarter Hours Game
In this exciting game, kids will learn to tell time by identifying quarter hours. They'll tackle a series of engaging problems and choose the correct answers from given options, helping them grasp the concept of quarter hours. Perfect for young learners to build confidence in reading clocks and understanding time. Join the fun and boost time skills today!
Setting Quarter Hours on an Analog Clock Game
Help your child master time-telling with this fun game! Kids will learn to set quarter hours on an analog clock, using visual cues to make learning easy. This game focuses on reading clocks and telling time, providing timely practice. It's designed to build confidence and prepare students for more advanced concepts. Perfect for young learners to grasp the basics of time. Get started now!
Write Time Shown by Analog Clock along with AM or PM Worksheet
Boost your child's understanding of time with this AM/PM analog clock worksheet.
AM and PM Estimate
Estimate AM and PM times accurately with this engaging and educational worksheet for kids.
Selecting the Correct Analog Clock Game
In this fun math game, kids practice telling time by selecting the correct analog clock. It focuses on reading quarter hours, helping second graders build confidence in time-telling. With each challenge, your child will improve their ability to read clocks accurately, making learning both enjoyable and effective.
Selecting the Correct Digital Clock Game
In this fun game, kids will practice telling time using digital clocks. They'll answer questions by selecting the correct time from given options. This interactive activity helps build confidence in reading clocks and understanding time, crucial for both classroom learning and everyday life. Perfect for young learners to grasp time concepts easily!
Finding Path using Time
Find the path using time in this fun and interactive AM and PM worksheet for young learners.
AM and PM Time for Activities
Learn AM and PM times for activities with this engaging and educational worksheet.
Time of the Day for the Activities
Identify the time of day for activities with this fun and interactive AM and PM worksheet.