Resources > Games > Math > Preschool > Identifying Number Cards from 15 to 20 Game

Identifying Number Cards from 15 to 20 Game

Embark on a fun adventure with magical and pirate Oolzoo as they challenge you to identify number cards from 15 to 20. This engaging game helps kids practice number recognition using number sounds. Perfect for little learners, it offers exciting problem sets to reinforce previously learned concepts. Play card champs and boost your number skills!

Know more about Identifying Number Cards from 15 to 20 Game


Magical Oolzoo and pirate Oolzoo both hide their numbers. They have various tricks up their sleeve which they can't wait to show you. Play card champs and become the ultimate card champ! The game provides learners with opportunities to work on a set of well-designed problems, enabling them to practice the previously learned concepts of numbers. The student will identify the number cards using number sounds - 15 to 20 in this game.


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