- Number Sense (161)
- Compare Numbers (28)
- Order Numbers (21)
- Skip Counting (32)
Even And Odd Numbers
Place Value
- Round Numbers (21)
- Addition (156)
Addition Properties
- Addition Strategies (29)
Add Three Whole Numbers
2-Digit Addition
- 3-Digit Addition (87)
- Subtraction (175)
- Multiplication (381)
- Multiplication Strategies (90)
Multiplication With Equal Groups
Multiplication With Arrays
Multiplication Sentences
Repeated Addition To Multiply
- Times Tables (173)
Multiplication By 2
Multiplication By 3
Multiplication By 4
Multiplication By 5
Multiplication By 6
Multiplication By 7
Multiplication By 8
Multiplication By 9
Multiplication By 10
- Multiplication Properties (84)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
Estimate Products
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (8)
- Division (111)
- Fractions (111)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
Compare Fractions
- Order Fractions (18)
- Equivalent Fractions (24)
Fractions Operations
- Geometry (28)
Data Handling
- Measurement (62)
- Time (42)
Time In Quarter Hours
Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes
Time To The Nearest Minute
Digital Clock
Elapsed Time
- Money (11)
- Algebra (10)
- Word Problems (172)
- Reading (150)
- Writing (320)
- Handwriting (259)
Creative Writing
Opinion Writing
Descriptive Writing
Writing Paragraphs
- Grammar (235)
- Nouns (72)
Parts Of Speech
- Verbs (54)
Article A An The
- Spelling (18)
- Vocabulary (91)
All Worksheets
Add to Find the Answer within 50 Worksheet
Boost your math skills with our worksheet on solving addition word problems up to 50.
Subtract to Find How Many Fewer Worksheet
Enhance subtraction skills with this worksheet on subtraction to compare word problems.
Multiplication Sentence for an Array Worksheet
Pack your math practice time with fun by working with multiplication sentences for an array.
Numbers Divisible by 5 Worksheet
A worksheet aimed at helping students identify and mark numbers that can be evenly divided by 5.
The Greatest Like Fraction Worksheet
This worksheet helps students master the skill of ordering like fractions without the use of visual models.
Time to Practice Plot Elements! Worksheet
In this fun and engaging reading worksheet, children learn to identify the elements that make up a good story.
Writing Practice: Letter U Words
Discover letter U words and enhance handwriting skills with our awesome letter-themed worksheet for fun and learning.
Using Nouns: Holidays
Boost your grammar skills by identifying and using holiday-themed nouns in this engaging printable worksheet!
Number Sense
Complete Skip Counting by 10s and 100s
Master skip counting with intervals of 10s and 100s for a solid understanding in this comprehensive worksheet.
Addition of 3-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers Worksheet
Learn addition at the speed of lightning by practicing addition of 3-digit and 1-digit numbers.
Multiply Using Repeated Addition for Arrays Worksheet
Focus on core math skills by multiplying using repeated addition for arrays.
Division by 5 Using Multiplication Facts Worksheet
A worksheet that applies multiplication facts to teach and practice division by 5.
The Smallest Like Fraction Worksheet
This worksheet enhances skills in ordering like fractions, focusing on the smallest value.
Decoding the Author's Mind Worksheet
Develop a deeper understanding of the author's purpose with our comprehensive worksheet. Analyze texts and uncover the motive behind writing them!
Writing Practice: Letter V Words
Learn letter V words and practice handwriting with our fun letter-themed worksheet, a fun way to expand vocabulary.
Christmas Abundance Worksheet
Experience the joy of giving with the Christmas Abundance Worksheet!
Number Sense
Skip Count by 100 to Find the Path
Join the bunny's adventure! Help it hop home by skip counting by 100 in this interactive worksheet.
Addition of 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing addition of 3-digit and 2-digit numbers.
Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers from 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet
Print this worksheet to practice subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers.
Use a Fact to Find Another Fact Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to use a fact to find another fact.
Division by 5 within 50 Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on enhancing your division skills by practicing division by 5 for numbers up to 50.
Shade to Order Fractions Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will have to shade to order fractions.
Discover the Reasoning and Evidence Worksheet
Strengthen reasoning and evidence-based thinking with our engaging worksheet. Students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Writing Practice: Letter W Words
Explore letter W words and improve handwriting skills with our fun letter-themed worksheet, perfect for vocabulary expansion.
Wintertime Plurals Worksheet
Master language arts by practicing Wintertime Plurals.
Number Sense
Form Number Sequences Using Skip Count by 100
Develop numerical fluency with sequences of skip counts of 100 in this engaging worksheet.
Adding Two 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to add two 3-digit numbers.
Subtraction in 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by solving to subtract 3-digit numbers.
Derive a Fact from Another Fact Using Visual Worksheet
Use this worksheet to derive a fact from another fact using visuals to strengthen your math skills.
Match the Facts of 5 Worksheet
A worksheet designed to help students learn and master division facts of 5 through matching exercises.
Check Fraction Order Using Models Worksheet
Enhance your skills in ordering fractions with this interactive worksheet using visual models.
Find Out the Authors Intent Worksheet
Discover the author's purpose in a text with our reading worksheet. Enhance comprehension and engage in insightful reading. Start analyzing today!
Writing Practice: Letter Y Words
Discover letter Y words and enhance handwriting skills with our cool letter-themed worksheet for fun and learning.
Trick-or-Treat Plural Sort Worksheet
Enjoy the marvel of Trick-or-Treat Plural Sort with this printable ELA worksheet.
Number Sense
Skip Count by 100 to Trace the Number Path
Embark on a stellar journey! Skip count by 100, connect the stars, and trace the path in this fun worksheet!
Add a 3-Digit Number and a 1-Digit Number Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to add a 3-digit number and a 1-digit number.
Subtraction Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing this subtraction worksheet.
Two Multiplication Sentences for an Array Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by using two multiplication sentences for an array.
Pattern in Division by 5 within 100 Worksheet
Engaging worksheet on understanding and mastering division patterns by 5 within 100.
Circle the Greatest Fraction Worksheet
This worksheet provides exercises on identifying the greatest fraction using visual models.
Read and Present the Evidence Worksheet
Enhance critical thinking and evaluation skills with our engaging worksheet! Practice identifying correct and incorrect claims and provide supporting evidence.
Writing Practice: Silent B Words
Learn about silent B words and practice handwriting with our fun worksheet, ideal for expanding spelling and vocabulary.
Fun with Regular Nouns Worksheet
Improve your understanding of regular plural nouns with our fun worksheet! Learn how to make plurals, and become a grammar pro!
Number Sense
Skip Count by 100 to Count Money
Dive into a money-counting adventure! Skip count by 100 with $100 bills and sharpen math skills in this worksheet.
Add a 3-Digit Number and a 2-Digit Number Worksheet
Boost your ability to add a 3-digit number and a 2-digit number by printing this playful worksheet.
Subtract a 1-Digit Number from a 3-Digit Number Worksheet
Learners must subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number to enhance their math skills.
Multiply by Making a Model Worksheet
Pack your math practice time with fun by multiplying by making a model.
Numbers Divisible by 6 Worksheet
This worksheet requires students to identify and highlight all numbers that are divisible by 6.