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Word Problems
Fractions Operations Lesson Plans
View all 42 lesson plans-
Add Fractions
Add Fractions with a Sum Smaller than 1
Expand your fraction skills by adding two fractions with the same denominator within 1.
Add Mixed Numbers
Add Mixed Numbers
Extend your fraction addition skills to mixed numbers by adding two mixed numbers with the same denominator.
Subtract Mixed Numbers
Subtract Mixed Numbers
Hone your fraction subtraction skills by subtracting two mixed numbers with the same denominator.
Subtract Fractions
Subtract Fractions from Whole Numbers
Hone your fraction subtraction skills by subtracting fractions from whole numbers.
All Fractions Lesson Plans
Fractions Using Models
Halves, Fourths, and Thirds
Discover the joy of sharing equally and learn the concepts of half, one-fourth, and one-third in this engaging class!
Fractions On A Number Line
Fractions on a Number Line
Master fraction representation on a number line using fraction strips. Elevate your skills with hands-on activities!
Compare Fractions
Compare Fractions (Same Denominator)
Master comparing fractions with the same denominator. Enjoy fun, interactive activities to boost your math skills
Order Fractions
Order Fractions
Order fractions confidently! Learn to arrange fractions in ascending and descending order.
Equivalent Fractions
Explore Equivalent Fractions
Discover the power of equivalent fractions! Learn the concept and identify them with ease using visual models!
Improper Fractions As Mixed Numbers
Introduction to Improper Fractions
Understand improper fractions and learn how to convert and use them effectively.
Mixed Numbers As Improper Fractions
Introduction to Mixed Numbers
Discover mixed numbers and learn to work with them effortlessly in various contexts.
Fractions Operations
Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers with the Same Denominator - Part 1
Master adding and subtracting mixed numbers with this interactive math lesson.
Fractions Using Models
Introducing Fractions
Embark on a fraction adventure and grasp the fundamentals of fractions with ease!
Fractions On A Number Line
Exploring Fractions in Real Life with Number Line
Tackle fraction word problems using number lines. Elevate your analytical skills and critical thinking!
Compare Fractions
Compare Fractions (Same Numerator)
Evaluate fractions like a pro! Master comparing fractions with the same numerator through engaging activities.
Equivalent Fractions
Generate Equivalent Fractions
Empower your fraction fluency and confidently generate equivalent fractions using visual models!
Mixed Numbers As Improper Fractions
Convert Mixed Numbers into Improper Fractions
Master the conversion between mixed numbers and improper fractions effortlessly.
Fractions Using Models
Identifying Fractions with Models
Be a fraction pro! Through this fun class, learn to identify and name fractions represented by shaded parts of a whole.
Compare Fractions
Compare Fractions and Whole Numbers Written as Fractions
Compare fractions and whole numbers as fractions. Empower your ability to analyze numerical relationships!
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions - Advanced Edition
Supercharge your fraction skills! Identify non-equivalent fractions within a set using models like a pro!
Fractions Operations
Add Fractions with a Sum Greater than 1
Develop fraction arithmetic fluency by adding fractions with sums greater than 1.
Fractions Using Models
Understanding Parts and Wholes
Unleash your fraction mastery! Determine how many parts make a whole, fostering critical thinking.
Compare Fractions
Comparing Three Fractions
Challenge yourself by comparing fractions and discovering the greatest among three fractions.
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fraction using Models
Unlock the Power of Equivalent Fractions - A Visual Learning Adventure
Fractions Operations
Find the Missing Number in the Fraction Addition
Deep dive into fraction addition by finding the missing number in the fraction addition sentence.
Fractions Using Models
Identifying Fractions of a Whole
Sharpen your fraction skills! Learn to find fractions of shaded parts, even when the divisions are unequal.
Compare Fractions
Comparing Fractions
Master the skill of comparing fractions with this interactive lesson plan!
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions on Number Lines
Master equivalent fractions on a number line! Enhance your ability to identify and create equivalent fractions.
Fractions Operations
Compare the Sum of Fractions
Enrich your knowledge of fraction addition by comparing the fraction addition expressions without calculating the sum.
Fractions Using Models
Fraction Puzzle
Harness your skills by identifying fractions that represent parts of a whole to solve complex mathematical problems!
Compare Fractions
Order Fractions - Part 1
Master comparing and ordering fractions with this interactive math lesson!
Equivalent Fractions
Introduction to Equivalent Fractions
Expand your vision of fractions by learning about different types of equivalent fractions.
Fractions Using Models
Same Fraction in Different Shapes
Expand your understanding and learn how equal parts of a whole can vary in shape.
Compare Fractions
Compare Fraction (Advance Edition)
Sharpen your analytical skills! Master the art of creating and comparing wholes using fractions effortlessly!
Equivalent Fractions
Divide to Find Equivalent Fractions
Develop fluency with equivalent fractions by finding equivalent fractions by dividing the numerator and denominator.
Fractions Operations
Subtract Fractions with the Same Denominator
Dive into the world of fraction subtraction by subtracting fractions of the same denominator.
Fractions Using Models
Exploring Fractions in Real Life with Models
Immerse in solving real-world fraction word problems using models and enhance your problem-solving skills!
Compare Fractions
Strategies to Compare Improper Fractions
Enrich your fraction comparison skills by comparing fractions that are greater than 1.
Equivalent Fractions
Identify Equivalent Fractions
Deep dive into equivalent fractions by identifying a fraction from a group that is not equivalent to others.
Compare Fractions
Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator
Develop fluency with fractions by comparing two fractions with the same numerator.