Number Sense
- Addition (143)
- Multiplication (84)
- Fractions (83)
- Geometry (28)
- Money (43)
Word Problems
Counting Objects Within 5
Count Upto 5 Objects (Linear Arrangement)
Master the art of counting up to 5 objects in a linear arrangement, unlocking the fundamentals of early math skills!
Counting Objects Within 10
Count Upto 10 Objects (Linear Arrangement)
Hone your counting abilities by mastering the linear arrangement of up to 10 objects!
Counting Objects Within 20
Numbers within 20
Develop counting skills and number recognition with this interactive math lesson on numbers up to 20.
Counting Objects Within 5
Count Upto 5 Objects (Different Patterns)
Explore the world of patterns as you count up to 5 objects arranged in captivating arrangements!
Counting Objects Within 10
Count Upto 10 Objects (Different Patterns)
Unleash your creativity as you count up to 10 objects arranged in exciting and diverse patterns!
Counting Objects Within 5
Part-Part-Whole Model up to 5
Master the Part-Part-Whole Model in this engaging math lesson. Students will visually recognize numbers, identify parts and wholes, and create number bonds based on known patterns.
Counting Objects Within 10
Count Within 10
Join the poppies on a counting adventure!
Counting Objects Within 5
Addition within 5
Master addition with number bonds in this engaging math lesson.
Counting Objects Within 10
Count in Different Arrangements
Develop counting skills with this interactive math lesson. Explore different arrangements of objects and learn to count without repetition or skipping.
Counting Objects Within 5
Fluently Add and Subtract within 5
Develop fluency in addition and subtraction within 5 with this interactive jungle adventure lesson plan.
Counting Objects Within 10
Let’s Count and Add - Part 1
Counting Chilies - An Interactive Math Lesson for Elementary Students
Counting Objects Within 10
Make Groups Within 10
Engage in a fun-filled math adventure as students develop their counting and grouping skills. This interactive lesson plan focuses on making groups of objects within the number range of 1 to 10 through engaging activities and tasks.
Counting Objects Within 10
Join us on a counting adventure with these interactive math activities. Learn to visually recognize numbers and compare quantities.
Counting Objects Within 10
Using 10-Frames
Develop number sense and subitizing skills with this interactive math lesson.
Counting Objects Within 10
Subitize up to 10
Explore the concept of subitizing and visually recognize patterns to find the total number of objects up to 10.
Counting Objects Within 10
Let's Count and Add
Engage in counting and addition activities with this interactive math lesson.
Counting Numbers: 11 to 20
Explore the fascinating world of double-digit numbers as you conquer the counting sequence from 11 to 20!
Count On to Add Within 10 - Part 1
Master addition within 10 using counting on and counting back strategies in this interactive math lesson.
Counting Sequence within 20
Strengthen counting abilities with fun activities designed to practice sequences up to 20.
Counting Sequence Upto 5
Explore the exciting world of numbers by mastering the counting sequence up to five!
Counting Sequence: 1 to 10
Embark on a thrilling numerical adventure by mastering the counting sequence from 1 to 10!
Counting Sequence Upto 10
Embark on a captivating journey through the counting sequence, unveiling the wonders of numbers up to 10!
Counting Sequence: 11 to 20
Master the art of counting in sequence from 11 to 20 with engaging activities and exercises!
Count Using Fingers
Unlock the power of your fingers as you learn to count with precision and ease, a valuable lifelong skill.