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- Fractions (83)
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Counting Money Lesson Plans
View all 17 lesson plans-
Counting Money
Counting Money with Dimes and Other Coins
Practice counting money and finding the amount accurately using dimes and various other coins.
Counting Money
Introduction to Money - Part 1
Explore the world of money in this interactive lesson. Understand different forms of currency, count coins, and learn about the value of saving.
Counting Money
Counting Money with Quarters and Other Coins
Master the skill of counting money and finding the amount with quarters and a variety of other coins.
Counting Money
Finding the Total Amount Using Different Bills
Develop the skill of calculating the total amount using various types of bills confidently.
All Money Lesson Plans
Identify Coins
Pennies and Nickels
Explore the values and characteristics of the penny and nickel coins, building blocks of our monetary system.
Compare Money
More About Money
Explore coins and bills in this interactive lesson. Learn to identify, compare, and count money while discovering the value of different coins and bills.
Add And Subtract Money
Adding Money
Practice adding different denominations of money to find total amounts in everyday scenarios.
Identify Coins
Dimes and Quarters
Gain knowledge about the dime and quarter, and their respective values, expanding your understanding of currency.
Compare Money
Count Money and Check Affordability
Step into real-world math! Discover if your money can buy the items in your basket!
Add And Subtract Money
Subtracting Money
Learn to subtract various amounts of money to determine how much is left after spending.
Identify Coins
Introducing Pennies and Nickels
Learn about pennies and nickels, their values, and how to use them in transactions.
Compare Money
Comparing Amount in Dollars
Boost your money sense! Learn to compare amounts and prices, making informed shopping decisions effortlessly.
Add And Subtract Money
Money Puzzles: Find the Price
Unravel money mysteries! Decode the price of items by using what we paid and the change we received.
Identify Coins
Introducing Dimes and Quarters
Discover the value of dimes and quarters, and learn how to identify and use them.
Add And Subtract Money
Money Riddles – Amount and Change
Embark on a vacation shopping adventure with Oolzoo and dive into intriguing riddles about amounts and change!
Identify Coins
Recognizing Coins—Penny, Nickel, and Dime
Embark on a fun financial journey! Master the concept of money and identify coins like pennies, nickels, and dimes!
Counting Money
Introducing Dimes and Quarters - Part 1
Explore the world of dimes and quarters in this interactive math lesson!
Add And Subtract Money
Manage Money – Budget Shopping!
Unlock budget shopping secrets! Empower yourself to shop smarter and make the most of your money in this engaging class!
Identify Coins
Recognizing Dollar Coins— Quarter, Half, and One Dollar
Boost your money savvy! Discover dollar coins—quarter, half, and one dollar—in this lively class.
Counting Money
Introducing Bills - Part 1
Explore the world of bills and coins in this interactive lesson. Learn to identify different denominations, count money, and understand their values.
Counting Money
Finding the Amount (Collection of Coins—Same Type)
Enhance your counting skills! Use skip counting to find the total value of coins of the same type
Counting Money
Finding the Amount (Collection of Bills—Same Type)
Boost your money counting skills! Use skip counting to calculate the total value of bills of the same type.
Counting Money
Finding the Amount (Different Coins and Bills)
Master money counting! Use skip counting to find the total value of mixed collections of coins or bills.
Counting Money
Is There Enough Money?
Let's enjoy financial fun! Learn to decide if the given coins or bills are enough to buy an item and calculate change.
Counting Money
Compare Amount in Cents
Boost your money management skills! Learn to count and compare coin values effortlessly!
Counting Money
Make One Dollar with Coins of the Same Type
Master the art of expressing a dollar using combinations of smaller coins in this fun and enagaging lesson!
Counting Money
Exchanging Coins for a Coin
Elevate your coin exchange skills! Craft coin combinations to exchange for larger denominations!
Counting Money
Making Amounts in Cents
Unlock the ability to create specific amounts using coins, empowering you to make savvy shopping decisions with ease!
Counting Money
Exchanging Bills
Master the art of exchanging larger bills for smaller ones, enhancing your money-handling skills!
Counting Money
Making Amounts in Dollars
Master making specific amounts with different bills and have fun with financial transactions!
Counting Money
Finding Amount
Master the skill of finding the value of different collections of coins and bills in this interactive math lesson. Explore skip counting, identification, and comparison to enhance your understanding of money concepts.
Counting and Comparing Coins
Develop essential skills in recognizing, counting, and comparing different coin denominations.
Introducing Money
Get introduced to the basics of money, its denominations, and its uses in everyday life.
More on Making Amount
Explore advanced money skills with this interactive lesson. Learn to express one-dollar bills using different coins, make change using smaller bills, and find the fewest coins/bills needed to make a given amount.
Recognizing Bills (two-dollar, five-dollar and ten-dollar)
Learn to recognize and identify two-dollar, five-dollar, and ten-dollar bills accurately.
Making Amount Using Coins
Learn to make amounts using coins in this interactive math lesson
Introduction to Money
Embark on a journey to understand the role and value of money, a fundamental aspect of modern societies.
Spend, Save and Share
Learn the importance of budgeting and responsible money management, essential skills for financial well-being.
Introducing Bills
Get to know different types of bills, their values, and how to use them in transactions.
Recognizing Coins and Bills
Discover the world of money and learn to recognize coins and bills in this interactive lesson.