- Number Sense (44)
- Addition (42)
- Subtraction (28)
- Multiplication (63)
Multiplication Strategies
- Times Tables (10)
- Multiplication Properties (6)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (36)
- Division (81)
- Fractions (126)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
Compare Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions (25)
Mixed Numbers As Improper Fractions
- Fractions Operations (60)
- Decimals (81)
- Read And Write Decimals (31)
Compare Decimals
Order Decimals
Round Decimals
Convert Decimals To Fractions
- Decimal Operations (8)
- Measurement (61)
- Money (10)
- Algebra (25)
- Word Problems (24)
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines Skills
View all 5 games-
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Identifying Parallel Sides Game
In this exciting game, kids dive into the world of 2D shapes to identify those with two pairs of parallel sides. They'll tackle engaging problems, applying their knowledge of quadrilaterals and shape classification. With multiple-choice questions, children will learn to recognize and classify shapes, enhancing their geometry skills in a fun way.
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Finding Parallel Sides Game
In this engaging math game, kids will dive into the world of quadrilaterals and learn to spot shapes with parallel sides. Perfect for third graders, this game helps students understand the attributes of two-dimensional shapes while honing their geometry skills. Watch as your child enjoys identifying and classifying shapes, all while building a solid foundation in geometry.
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Identifying Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Game
Help your child master geometry with this exciting game focused on identifying parallel and perpendicular lines. Kids will learn to spot different line types through fun challenges, boosting their confidence and understanding of geometry. This game makes learning lines engaging and interactive, ensuring kids have a blast while grasping key concepts. Perfect for young learners eager to explore the world of shapes and lines!
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Identifying Parallel Sides in Shapes Game
This engaging game helps kids master geometry by identifying parallel sides in various shapes. It's a fun way to correct misconceptions and understand lines better. Your child will classify shapes based on angles and lines, boosting their geometry skills with confidence. Let them explore the exciting world of parallel and perpendicular lines today!
All Lines, Line Segments, Rays Skills
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Counting Pairs of Parallel Sides in Shapes and Choosing the Correct Answer Game
This engaging game lets kids count pairs of parallel sides in various shapes, helping them grasp geometry concepts easily. As students select the correct answers, they build confidence in identifying parallel and perpendicular lines. Perfect for young learners, this game makes learning about angles and lines exciting and interactive. Play now to become a geometry whiz!
Lines, Line Segments, Rays
Recognizing Lines, Line Segments, Rays, Angles Game
This engaging geometry game helps kids recognize lines, line segments, rays, and angles. Through interactive challenges, students will apply their math knowledge to identify and classify shapes based on angles and lines. Perfect for fourth graders, this game offers plenty of opportunities to tackle misconceptions and enjoy learning geometry in a fun way.