Resources > Games > Math > Second Grade > Counting Forward by 10s Game

Counting Forward by 10s Game

Embark on an adventure with Eddie in the Sky Lands, where kids solve counting challenges by 10s. This game helps children mentally add 10 to numbers within 500, boosting their math skills. They will enjoy using skip counting strategies to jump to the next number, enhancing their ability to add and subtract within 1000 effortlessly. Are you ready for the challenge?

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The Sky Lands are waiting for you and so is Eddie. Eddie just needs help in finding the right path by counting. Are you up for this challenge? The game challenges students to solve a set of problems on counting sequence. These engaging problems encourage them to apply their prior knowledge of skip counting to find the next number. This set of problems deals with numbers within 500; students will get opportunities to skip count strategy to count by 10 and jump to the next number.


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