- Number Sense (79)
- Addition (143)
- Multiplication (84)
- Fractions (83)
- Geometry (28)
- Money (43)
Word Problems
All Math Lesson Plans
Make a 10 to Add
Enhance your addition skills by focusing on making tens using 'make a 10' strategy.
Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers by One-Digit Numbers without Regrouping
Develop fluency with standard algorithms by multiplying multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers without regrouping.
Identify Errors in Addition of Unlike Fractions
Detect and correct errors in adding fractions with unlike denominators for improved accuracy.
Number Sense
Finding Missing Digits in Subtraction Sentence
Discover the Secret Digits! Master finding missing digits in subtraction sentences using place value understanding.
Addition by ‘Making 10’ Strategy - Part 1
Master addition using the 'Making 10' strategy in this interactive math lesson.
Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers by One-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
Hone your multiplication skills by multiplying multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers with regrouping.
Estimate the Sum of Two Fractions
Learn to quickly estimate the sum of two fractions for swift and accurate calculations.
Number Sense
Rounding to the Nearest 10
Discover the Magic of Rounding Off in this Fun-filled Math Adventure
Add Three Numbers
Add three numbers effortlessly as you develop proficiency in combining numbers to find their sum.
Find Missing Numbers Using Standard Algorithm
Utilize the standard multiplication algorithm to uncover missing numbers in equations.
Addition of Mixed Numbers
Master the technique of adding mixed numbers accurately and efficiently in different situations.
Number Sense
Rounding to the Nearest 100
Master the skill of rounding off numbers to the nearest hundred in this interactive math lesson.
Add Three Numbers (Missing Addend)
Embark on a numerical journey as we conquer the challenge of finding missing addends in three-number addition problems!
Multiply 3- and 4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm) - Part 1
Master the standard algorithm for multiplication in this engaging math lesson.
Subtraction of Mixed Numbers
Learn to subtract mixed numbers with precision and ease, ensuring accurate results.
Number Sense
Playing with Numbers
Compare multi-digit numbers with ease in this interactive math lesson.
Word Problems on Adding 3 Numbers Using Bar Model
Become a math wizard by solving word problems with the bar model on adding three numbers!
Multiply 2-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers - Part 1
Master multiplication skills with this interactive lesson plan!
Multiply Two Fractions
Practice accurately multiplying two fractions together in a variety of contexts.
Number Sense
Exploring Numbers
Explore the magic of place value in this interactive math lesson.
Add 3 Numbers
Master addition skills with this interactive math lesson. Learn how to add three numbers using various strategies and solve word problems along the way!
Multiply 2-Digit by 1-Digit by Breaking Into 10 - Part 2
Master multiplication strategies with this interactive math lesson. Learn how to break numbers into smaller parts and use the area model to solve multiplication problems.
Round and Estimate Fraction Products
Learn to round off and estimate the product of multiplication problems accurately.
Number Sense
Rounding Whole Numbers
Master the skill of rounding whole numbers with this engaging math lesson. Explore tasks that introduce the concept of estimation, understand the meaning of rounding up and down, and learn a quicker method for rounding.
Add Tens
Watch your math skills skyrocket as you learn to add multiples of ten with lightning speed and precision!
Multiply 2-Digit by 2-Digit Using Area Model
Unleash the power of multiplication with area models!
Compare Fraction Multiplication
Sharpen your skills in comparing different multiplication expressions accurately and confidently.
Number Sense
Place Value and Powers of 10
Master place value with engaging activities.
Multiply 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers
Skillfully multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with ease and confidence.
Understand Multiplication of Whole Numbers by Fractions
Grasp the concept and techniques of multiplying whole numbers by fractions confidently.
Number Sense
Strategies to Efficiently Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers - Part 2
Master multiplication strategies for multi-digit numbers with this interactive math lesson.
Add Tens to a 2-digit Number
Master the skill of adding tens to a two-digit number confidently and accurately.
Multiply 2-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm) - Part 2
Mastering multiplication with two-digit and one-digit numbers in an interactive lesson.
Multiply Whole Numbers by Fractions
Efficiently multiply whole numbers by fractions in various contexts and scenarios.
Adding, Subtracting, and Finding Missing Tens
Develop proficiency in adding, subtracting, and identifying missing tens accurately.
Multiply 3- and 4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm) - Part 2
Master the art of multiplying large numbers with this engaging lesson plan. Explore strategies for multiplying three- and four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, both with and without regrouping. Develop a deep understanding of the concepts through hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks.
Fraction of a Set
Learn to find and calculate a fraction of a given set of items accurately and efficiently.
Add 2-digit and 1-digit Numbers
Gain the ability to add two-digit and one-digit numbers quickly and accurately every time.
Multiply 2-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm) - Part 2
Master the skill of multiplying two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in this engaging and interactive math lesson. Explore various strategies and learn how to solve multiplication word problems along the way.
Distributive Property to Multiply Mixed Numbers
Analyze and compare multiplication expressions that involve fractions in various contexts.
Adding, Subtracting, and Finding Missing Ones
Enhance your skills in adding, subtracting, and finding missing ones while working with 2-digit and 1-digit numbers.
Multiply 3-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm)
Master multiplication of three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in this engaging math lesson.
Multiply Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Master the skill of multiplying fractions by mixed numbers in various types of problems.
Add & Subtract Multiples of 10
Master adding and subtracting multiples of 10 with this interactive math lesson. Explore misconceptions, engage in hands-on activities, and reinforce understanding through a variety of tasks.
Multiply 3- and 4-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers
Master the art of multiplying 3- and 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and conquer this challenge!
Multiply by Fractions to Scale Up and Down
Multiply by fractions to scale quantities up and down effectively and efficiently.
Add & Subtract 2-Digit Number with Multiples of 10
Master adding and subtracting multiples of 10 with this engaging math lesson.