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All Multiplication Lesson Plans
Multiplication Strategies
Multiplication Sentence for Array
Skip count with confidence! Use multiplication sentences to find the total count of an array.
Times Tables
Times Table of 7
Unlock your math potential by mastering the times table of 7 and solving puzzles with missing multiplication facts!
Multiplication Properties
Breaking Expressions to Multiply Using Area Model
Discover how to break down 2-digit numbers into tens and ones using the area model to multiply.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers by One-Digit Numbers without Regrouping
Develop fluency with standard algorithms by multiplying multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers without regrouping.
Multiplication Strategies
Explore Array with Grids
Visualize arrays through grids, enriching comprehension and problem-solving skills!
Times Tables
Times Table of 8
Master the precision and confidence in times table of 8, exploring its patterns!
Multiplication Properties
Multiply Using Area Model
Master the art of multiplying by visually breaking down numbers using the area model.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers by One-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
Hone your multiplication skills by multiplying multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers with regrouping.
Multiplication Strategies
Rearranging Arrays - Transform and Learn
Revamp arrays! Rearrange parts of an array to create new arrays, deepening your grasp of this concept.
Times Tables
Times Table of 9
Uncover the magic of patterns in multiplication as you conquer the times table of 9 with ease!
Multiplication Properties
Multiplication Strategies - Break, Multiply, and Add
Unlock powerful strategies to simplify multiplication through breaking, multiplying, and adding.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Find Missing Numbers Using Standard Algorithm
Utilize the standard multiplication algorithm to uncover missing numbers in equations.
Multiplication Strategies
Arrays in Multiplication
Master arrays in multiplication with this engaging math lesson. Learn about equal groups, rows, and columns to unlock the power of arrays!
Times Tables
Multiplication Facts of 10
Delve into the properties and patterns found in the multiplication facts of 10 in this engaging and fun class.
Multiplication Properties
Strategies to Efficiently Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers - Part 2
Master multiplication strategies for multi-digit numbers with this interactive math lesson.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply 3- and 4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm) - Part 1
Master the standard algorithm for multiplication in this engaging math lesson.
Multiplication Strategies
Multiplication Facts of 2 and 5 & Commutative Property
Discover the magic of multiplication with this interactive math lesson. Explore the facts of 2 and 5 through skip counting, arrays, and the commutative property.
Times Tables
Multiply Numbers by 10
Gain confidence by multiplying one-digit numbers by multiples of 10 and observe the pattern of zeros in the results.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply 2-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers
Skillfully multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with ease and confidence.
Multiplication Strategies
Derive facts using the known facts
Master multiplication facts with engaging strategies
Times Tables
Multiply 2-Digit by 1-Digit by Breaking Into 10 - Part 2
Master multiplication strategies with this interactive math lesson. Learn how to break numbers into smaller parts and use the area model to solve multiplication problems.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply 2-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm) - Part 2
Mastering multiplication with two-digit and one-digit numbers in an interactive lesson.
Multiplication Strategies
Revise Multiplication Facts
Explore efficient strategies for mastering multiplication in this engaging math lesson.
Times Tables
Multiply 2-Digit by 2-Digit Using Area Model
Unleash the power of multiplication with area models!
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply 3- and 4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm) - Part 2
Master the art of multiplying large numbers with this engaging lesson plan. Explore strategies for multiplying three- and four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, both with and without regrouping. Develop a deep understanding of the concepts through hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks.
Multiplication Strategies
Break Multiplication Expressions
Apply your understanding of arrays to break a multiplication expression into smaller expressions.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply 2-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm) - Part 2
Master the skill of multiplying two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in this engaging and interactive math lesson. Explore various strategies and learn how to solve multiplication word problems along the way.
Multiplication Strategies
Evaluate Multiplication Expressions
Boost your multiplication fluency by breaking and solving multiplication expressions in parts.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply 3-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers (Standard Algorithm)
Master multiplication of three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in this engaging math lesson.
Multiplication Strategies
Break Multiplication Expressions to Multiply
Enhance your multiplication skills by utilizing the "break-multiply-add" strategy.
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multiply 3- and 4-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers
Master the art of multiplying 3- and 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and conquer this challenge!
Multiplication Strategies
Break Expressions into 10 Plus Something
Conquer multiplication strategies by breaking a number into 10 plus another number before multiplying.
Multiplication Strategies
Break Expressions into 10 Minus Something
Explore advanced multiplication strategies by breaking a number into 10 minus another number before multiplying.
Multiplication Strategies
Double and Halve Strategies of Multiplication
Master your multiplication strategies using the double and halve strategy to multiply numbers.
Multiplication Strategies
Multiplication Strategies - Round and Adjust
Perfect your multiplication skills by rounding and adjusting numbers for efficient calculations.
Multiplication Strategies
Multiplication Strategies - Doubling and Halving
Discover clever techniques to double and halve numbers, making multiplication a breeze.
Multiplication Strategies
Complete Expressions Using the Area Model
Effortlessly complete multiplication expressions using the intuitive area model.
Multiplication Strategies
Find New Multiplication Facts
Discover exciting new techniques for mastering and retaining multiplication facts.
Multiplication Strategies
Fluency with Multiplication Facts
Delve into the world of multiplication algorithms by tackling demanding problems.
Multiplication Strategies
Relate Multiplication and Division - I
Explore the connection between multiplication and division in this interactive math lesson.
Multiplication Strategies
Arrays and Equal Groups in Multiplication
Master multiplication using arrays and equal groups in this engaging math lesson. Explore different models, solve word problems, and enhance your mathematical reasoning skills.
Multiplication Strategies
Word Problems on Multiplicative Comparisons
Solve word problems on the multiplicative comparison scenarios using your multiplication skills.
Multiplication Strategies
Multiply 2-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers - Part 1
Master multiplication skills with this interactive lesson plan!
Word Problem Wizards - Mastering Multiplication
Apply multiplication skills! Solve word problems using solid understanding of multiplication concepts.
Strategies to Compare Multiplication Expressions
Enrich your multiplication fluency by comparing two multiplication expressions based on the common factor.