Number Sense
- Addition (90)
- Subtraction (81)
Subtract With Pictures
- 2-Digit Subtraction (15)
- 3-Digit Subtraction (52)
- 4-Digit Subtraction (12)
- Multiplication (141)
- Multiplication Strategies (52)
Multiplication With Equal Groups
Multiplication With Arrays
Multiplication Sentences
Multiplication On A Number Line
Repeated Addition To Multiply
- Times Tables (82)
Multiplication By 2
Multiplication By 3
Multiplication By 4
Multiplication By 5
Multiplication By 6
Multiplication By 7
Multiplication By 8
Multiplication By 9
Multiplication By 10
Multiplication Properties
- Division (72)
- Fractions (77)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
- Compare Fractions (14)
- Equivalent Fractions (14)
- Fractions Operations (9)
- Geometry (13)
- Data Handling (28)
- Measurement (63)
- Time (9)
- Money (21)
- Algebra (12)
- Word Problems (32)
Round Numbers To The Nearest 10 Skills
View all 6 games-
Round Numbers To The Nearest 10
Placing 3-Digit Number Game
In this engaging game, kids learn to place 3-digit numbers on a number line, enhancing their understanding of number sequences. By identifying numbers between two points, children develop essential math skills like place value and number sense. Perfect for young learners eager to grasp rounding whole numbers. Get ready to play and learn!
Round Numbers To The Nearest 10
Placing 2-Digit Number Game
In this engaging math game, kids will place 2-digit numbers on a number line and learn to round them to the nearest 10. Perfect for third graders, it strengthens number sense and place value skills. By practicing with number sequences, children gain confidence and proficiency in rounding whole numbers, making math fun and interactive!
Round Numbers To The Nearest 10
Rounding 3-Digit Numbers Using the Number Line Game
In this engaging math game, kids will learn to round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10 using number lines. The game provides a fun way to practice rounding and boosts understanding of place value and number sense. With visual aids, children can grasp concepts easily and enjoy solving problems. Perfect for enhancing math skills through interactive play!
Round Numbers To The Nearest 10
Guessing the Number to Nearest 10 Game
Kids will enjoy guessing numbers to the nearest 10 in this fun math game. They'll tackle problems with 2-digit numbers, boosting their place value and number sense skills. Perfect for clearing up misconceptions about rounding, this game offers a balanced challenge that solidifies understanding while keeping learning exciting!
Round Numbers To The Nearest 100 Skills
View all 4 games-
Round Numbers To The Nearest 100
Rounding to Nearest 100 Game
This exciting game challenges kids to round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100. They'll practice selecting the correct answer from given options, sharpening their number sense and place value skills. It's a great way to make math fun and engaging for young learners. Watch as they gain confidence in rounding and enjoy the thrill of solving problems!
Round Numbers To The Nearest 100
Guessing the Number to Nearest 100 Game
In this engaging game, your child will practice rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100. This fun activity helps kids understand rounding concepts and enhances their number sense. Perfect for young mathematicians, this game makes learning enjoyable and interactive. Watch them gain confidence as they guess and round numbers accurately!
Round Numbers To The Nearest 100
Marking the Hundreds to Place the Number Game
In this exciting math game, kids will tackle the challenge of rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100 using number lines. This interactive activity not only strengthens place value understanding but also sharpens number sense. With targeted practice, misconceptions about rounding numbers are easily addressed. Watch your child become a confident mathematician!
Round Numbers To The Nearest 100
Rounding Using the Number Line Game
Help your child master rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100 with this interactive number line game. Kids will use visual aids to tackle various problem sets, enhancing their number sense and understanding of place value. This fun and educational game offers a hands-on approach to learning, making math both exciting and accessible.
All Round Numbers Skills
Round Numbers To The Nearest 10
Rounding 3-Digit Numbers to the Nearest 10 Game
Help your child conquer rounding challenges with this engaging game! They'll practice rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10, enhancing their number sense and understanding of place value. Perfect for third graders, this game makes learning fun and interactive while building essential math skills. Watch your child gain confidence in math with each round. Get started now!
Round Numbers To The Nearest 10
Finding the Number to Nearest 10 Game
Join this fun math adventure where kids learn to round numbers to the nearest 10. With plenty of practice, students will tackle 2-digit rounding problems by selecting the right answers. Boost your child's place value and number sense skills as they guess and confirm their choices. This game offers a playful yet educational way to round whole numbers. Start for free!