- Number Sense (79)
- Addition (143)
- Multiplication (84)
- Fractions (83)
- Geometry (28)
- Money (43)
Word Problems
All Math Lesson Plans
Identify Rules in a Pattern
Learn to decipher and understand the rules governing complex numerical patterns effectively.
Word Problems
Word Problems within 20 Using Part-part-whole Model
Dive into exciting word problems and master the part-part-whole method up to 20.
Number Sense
Count Using Fingers
Unlock the power of your fingers as you learn to count with precision and ease, a valuable lifelong skill.
Addition Sentences within 10
Strengthen addition skills by solving math sentences with sums up to 10 for a solid foundation in arithmetic.
Let's Subtract
Join Bat and Oolzoo in an exciting subtraction adventure!
Equal Groups in Division
Master division using equal groups in this interactive math lesson.
Division Insights - Group Size vs. Number of Groups
Discover the relationship between group size and number. Understand division into equal groups of varying sizes.
Identifying Fractions with Models
Be a fraction pro! Through this fun class, learn to identify and name fractions represented by shaded parts of a whole.
Multiplying Decimals
Master decimal multiplication with this engaging math lesson.
Master the art of dividing objects into two equal parts, or halves, a fundamental concept of geometry.
Comparing Heights
Engage students in a fun and interactive lesson on comparing heights. Develop their measurement skills and understanding of tall, taller, short, and shorter.
Recognizing Bills (two-dollar, five-dollar and ten-dollar)
Learn to recognize and identify two-dollar, five-dollar, and ten-dollar bills accurately.
Complete the Pattern
Practice completing intricate numerical patterns, such as the Fibonacci sequence, with ease and accuracy.
Word Problems
Addition & Subtraction Word Problems - Part 1
Master addition and subtraction word problems with our interactive math lesson. Join the Word Problem Wizards on a magical journey of learning!
Number Sense
Count Upto 5 Objects (Linear Arrangement)
Master the art of counting up to 5 objects in a linear arrangement, unlocking the fundamentals of early math skills!
Find the Missing Number in Addition Sentences within 10
Apply your understanding of addition to find missing numbers in addition sentences with sums up to 10.
The Building Blocks of Arrays
Embark on multiplication basics, confidently exploring the foundation of arrays with rows and columns!
Divide Using Repeated Subtraction with Models
Dive into division with repeated subtraction! Uncover the magic of dividing numbers with fun and flair!
Understanding Parts and Wholes
Unleash your fraction mastery! Determine how many parts make a whole, fostering critical thinking.
Identify Decimal Numbers Using Conditions
Learn to identify decimal numbers accurately based on specific conditions and criteria.
Flat Shapes - Part 1
Engage students in an interactive exploration of flat shapes through hands-on activities and real-world connections.
Balance Scale
Learn to use a balance scale to understand weight and balance concepts through hands-on activities.
Introduction to Time - Part 1
Explore the concept of time through engaging activities and analog clocks. Learn about different parts of the day, recognize hour and minute hands, and understand the difference between hours and minutes.
Exchanging Money
Master the skills needed to exchange coins of different denominations accurately in various practical situations.
Complete Tables Using Number Patterns
Utilize number patterns to complete tables and charts efficiently and accurately.
Word Problems
Comparison Word Problems - I - Part 2
Master the skill of comparing quantities with this engaging math lesson. Explore bar models, solve comparison problems, and develop critical thinking skills!
Number Sense
Count Upto 5 Objects (Different Patterns)
Explore the world of patterns as you count up to 5 objects arranged in captivating arrangements!
Compose & Decompose Numbers
Master number composition and decomposition with this interactive math lesson. Engage in tasks that involve rolling dice, completing number bonds, and finding hidden objects. Assess your understanding with an exit slip at the end.
Finding One Less within 5
Learn to count one less than a given number within 5 through engaging and interactive activities.
Arrays and Multiplication Expressions
Express arrays in multiple forms! Write arrays as equal groups, addition sentences, and multiplication sentences.
Division by 1 or the Number Itself
Discover division with 1! Understand how dividing by 1 gives the same number and dividing by itself gives 1.
Identifying Fractions of a Whole
Sharpen your fraction skills! Learn to find fractions of shaded parts, even when the divisions are unequal.
Creating Decimal Numbers
Practice creating precise decimal numbers from given scenarios with accuracy and confidence.
Use Positional Words to Complete Statements
Use positional words to accurately complete statements and develop language skills.
Compare Weight using Balance Scale
Compare the weight of different objects using a balance scale for practical math skills.
Introduction to Money - Part 1
Explore the world of money in this interactive lesson. Understand different forms of currency, count coins, and learn about the value of saving.
Word Problems
Comparison Word Problems - II
Unleash your problem-solving skills with this interactive math lesson on comparison word problems.
Number Sense
Count Upto 10 Objects (Linear Arrangement)
Hone your counting abilities by mastering the linear arrangement of up to 10 objects!
Introducing Addition
Join us on a fun-filled math adventure as we introduce the concept of addition. Engage in interactive activities and explore number bonds to develop a solid foundation in addition skills.
Finding Two Less within 5
Practice finding two less than a given number within 5 to strengthen subtraction skills.
Multiplication Sentence for Array
Skip count with confidence! Use multiplication sentences to find the total count of an array.
Relate Multiplication and Division
Unveil the connection between multiplication and division by writing sentences for the same models.
Fraction Puzzle
Harness your skills by identifying fractions that represent parts of a whole to solve complex mathematical problems!
Positional Words
Engage students in a fun-filled adventure as they learn about positional words through real-life objects and shapes.
Compare Weight of Objects
Enhance comparison skills by weighing various objects and analyzing the results.
Analog Clock and 12-Hour Format
Understand how to read time on an analog clock and use the 12-hour format correctly.
Introducing Dimes and Quarters - Part 1
Explore the world of dimes and quarters in this interactive math lesson!
Create Numerical Expressions
Develop the skill to create precise numerical expressions from given scenarios and contexts.